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18 : 23 pm
Anastasia's pov :

I hadn't gotten any weekend rest. Party on Friday,  family lunch on Saturday , which was a fail. And today - I was home alone . Taehyung had work to attend too and I was okay with being alone. It gave me time to freely think and process everything that had happened.

It was clear as day that I will never be accepted into his family. They despised my  very existence. They preferred hailey and I could not change their opinion. They never gave me a chance anyway. Netflix has the worst movie options - like for real? I wanted something tragic yet romantic. Tragical romance. I am just about to toss the remote at the TV,  when the doorbell sounds. That was definitely not taehyung and I hoped it wasn't his mother.

Getting off the couch, I hurry to the door because the impatient person continued to press the bell. "I'm here -", I pull open the door to find a bunny toothed kookie. "Jungkook-", I smile . "You look alittle too happy", he reached out and ruffled up my already messes hair. "I am. I mean , I left you all alone and I'm so sorry", here I am rambling again. "I'm not here to make you feel guilty ", he gripped my arms and shook me. "Then?", I giggle at how funny this was.

"I came to return your phone. The only issue is - I left it at work when I stopped by to see how hwang was coming along with the project ", he dropped his hands to his side before tucking them in his hoodie pockets. "That's okay - return it tomorrow ", I shrug as if that weren't obvious. "I'm not working tomorrow,  besides - your mother had been calling nonstop ", he groaned and I felt the same way. That woman calls up to 20 times when she's free.

"Okay - let me put on appropriate clothes. You can sit In the living room-", he declined my invite inside. "I'll stay on the porch. Fresh air -", he smiled and I nod - heading back inside to change out of my pajamas. My fathers 50th birthday is coming up and I'm sure she was calling to arrange a party.

19 : 08 pm
Kim Airlines

I'll grab my phone and head home with taehyung. I'm sure he'll be happy to see me but pissed when I yell him who I came with.

"The phone is in my desk-", we walked in side by side. "You go ahead and bring it up to Mr Kim's office ", I instruct and he gave a nod , rushing off. Pressing the elevator button - I tap my foot impatiently. I guess I was alittle too excited to see him. He had left home around 9am this morning. Let's just say - if I were a dog , my tail would be wagging.

Getting into the elevator- I hit the button and it takes me straight up to his office floor. The hallway was silent and my desk was neat and tidy , just the way I had left it . I almost barge in screaming 'surprise ', when I halt outside the slightly open door , hearing not just his , but another families voice.

I peep just enough to see taehyung seated on his chair with hailey on his lap. Her arms curled around his neck,  the same way I hold him close. The sudden stab in my heart made me hold my breath and step back,  further and further away from the door until I collide into Jungkook. "Phone-", he says with a smile , which soon disappears when he notices me sobbing.

"Hey - what's wrong?", he grasped my shoulders. "Are you okay?", he gave me alittle jerk. "Let's just leave -", I push his hands away and rush to the elevator. The tears refused to stop for a second. This was what heartbreak felt like . A stabbing , ripping sensation which felt a million times worse than physical pain.

The doors shut and jungkook places a hand on my shoulder. "Anastasia? Did you see something that you weren't supposed to see ?". I sniffle , leaning against his chest as he embraced me. "Hailey-", I whisper. I feel his chest heave as he sighed. "I knew it. Taehyung can never stick to one woman. He's not a very loyal husband-", he hissed through clenched teeth.  The doors ping and I push myself out of his arms and out the elevator, running for the exit.

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