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-flashback continued -

-flashback continued -

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18 : 32 pm

With her parents meeting with lawyers and Tiana still getting over her hangover from the previous night.

Anastasia finds herself knocking on the apartment door of the man she had made out with last night. Now that she was sober - she felt like an ass for throwing herself on him.

But - taehyung didn't seem to mind because he had asked her to come over the next day to have supper with him. Ofcourse she had to sneak out ...

The door opens and she immediately smiles. "Mr kim -", she greeted. "Anastasia-", he gestured for her to enter and she did. Pacing in slowly, her eyes traveled the beautiful apartment which looked like he plucked it out of a movie.

"You look beautiful-", she turned around to give a shy nod . "Thank you -". Taehyung couldn't help but notice how her tone was less sassy and rude. "Can I take your jersey?", he asked and she gave a nod , quickly removing and handing it to taehyung who hung it up on a coat stand.

"Your place is stunning ", she breathed.

"Thank you. Take a seat -", he pulled out a chair at the island. "What a gentleman-", she giggled and sat down. Taehyung rushed to the stove. "I thought you'd enjoy a simple yeg delicate homemade lasagna with cream cheese and a mushroom sauce", he looked over his shoulder and her smiling face. "Have I impressed you yet?", he smirked. "It's rare to find a man who can teach and cook-", she laughed.

"It's almost ready-", he walked around to where she sat. "I love this dress on you -", he cupped her face , thumbs stroking her cheek bones. She was so gorgeous. "I'm not that hungry. I can wait -", she couldn't stop smiling. He made her so nervous. "Yeah?", he leaned in , connecting their lips.

Anastasia curled her arms around his neck, while he squeezed her waist. Hands skimming down to her thighs which he swiftly spread so he could stand between them. Anastasia released a soft moan as he kissed his way down to her shoulder. The strap on her dress falling as he peppered her skin with open mouth kisses.

"Mr kim -", she bite down hard on her lip. "Taehyung-", he whispered into her ear before sucking on her earlobe. That was enough to make everything south - wet. "That's a beautiful name ", she pant. "It'll be even more beautiful when you're moaning it -", he smirked , pulling back to admire her flustered face.

"You're funny", she tapped his nose with her index. "You're cute -", he nudged her nose with his before shifting away and heading back to the stove. Anastasia smiled while watching him be a chef. How did they go from enemies to spending time together ?

He was her teacher.
He was 9 years older than her.

Her parents would kill her if they found out.

"How's things at home?", his question broke her train of thought. "Uhm , same old stuff. They're actually gone to meet with a lawyer who's handling their divorce case", she trailed off . Taehyung switches off the stove and looks over his shoulder. "Are you okay with that happening?", he whispered.

"My mother cheated on him. So yeah -", she was blunt about it . Taehyung gave a brief nod then went on draining the lasagna. "That must have been hard on you-", he said . "It was even harder when my sister ran off with a married man. I was left all alone to deal with their drama and everlasting tantrums ", she mumbled, swinging her feet back and forth.

"That's alot for a child to bare", his eyes find hers and she forced a smile. "You're making out with a child ", she joked.

"Pedophile ", he winked and they laugh.

"What about you? What's your story -", she changed the topic. "I'm just here until Mrs Harris comes back to school. I'm planning on running my own airline company one day. I come from a rich family who owns many companies in New York, so money to start the business won't be an issue. Ofcourse I'd pay them back every cent or I'd never hear the end of it ", he went on and she realized- she could listen to this man talk all day. He had a choir of angels sitting in his throat.

"You should do it. Run with your dreams. I'm sure it'll be a success-", she smiled , flicking up her thumbs . "You think so?", he began drizzling the lasagna with the cream cheese. "I know it will ", she leaned over the counter to get a better view of how he layered the items.

"Smells divine", she inhaled.

"You'd be the first to taste my food-", he snickered and she pout. "I don't believe that. You're gorgeous, I'm sure you've brought girls here ", she didn't want to know the answer but she knew she was right . "Yeah to fuck not eat my food", he raised a brow.

"So you're cooking for the teen. How sweet-", she grinned and he leaned over the counter to kiss her forehead. "A cute teen who gets on my last fucking nerve". Anastasia leans back in the chair , crossing her arms over her chest. "I wouldn't get on your nerves if you'd just let me be -", her tone becoming sassy. "If you wear longer skirts then I wouldn't have to discipline you like a child-", he countered.

"A child? You're the child -", she pointed to him and he smirked. "Your comebacks are so frail ", he laughed , earning a smile from her. "Whatever. Can we eat?", she hopped off the chair. "Yes beautiful. Just head to the living room. I'll bring everything-", he lifted the casserole. "I'll help. Where are the plates?". Taehyung smiled at how pleasant she could be.

This was nice.

20 : 07 pm

"8 -", he kissed the little beauty spot on her wrist. "Hmmm-", he hummed , continuing to search her skin. "I can't believe that's already 8-", she stared up at the bedroom ceiling. "9-", he kissed her stomach after hiking up the dress. "I haven't noticed -", she whispered nervously. "10-" , she shut her eyes - feeling his lips on her inner thigh. "I like this one. It's shaped in a heart-", he kissed it again. "Taehyung-", she looked down while he continued to trail kisses along her thigh. "Can I count yours?" , she swallowed a moan. "You'll be here all night if you did that ", he chuckled.

"That many?" , she eyed him as he came back up to hover over her face. "Plenty-" , he leaned in , kissing her parted lips. "What are you doing with a kid-", she pulled away , combing a hand through his disheveled hair. "I don't know -", he answered truthfully.

After last night- he just felt drawn to her aura. She was enticing and inviting. Everything about her screamed - excitement and bliss. She was a maze he needed to figure out.

"You don't know?" , she whispered.

"No I don't. But - I'd like to keep you close ", he kissed the tip of her nose. "Yeah?", she smiled. Hearing that he wanted her company ,made her heart swoon.

Anastasia was deprived of love and affection . Her parents had lost their time for her and her sister had left without a goodbye.

She craved companionship.

And he craved her...

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