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07 : 32 am

Leaving my things on my desk. I knock before entering Mr Kim's already opened office. His eyes lift to find mine. "Goodmorning sir-", I whisper, leaving his coffee on the desk. "Ms Cora. Am I dreaming?", he leaned back in his leather chair , a smile forming on his lips. "I don't think so-", I respond and he chuckled. "30 minutes early ", he tapped his wristwatch. "Oh yes", I smile shyly. I was only early because I took a cab. My boyfriend was being a dick.

"Good -", he proudly nodded and I felt good about myself. Maybe coming early was the way to bond. "Alot of paperwork today , Anastasia. Please arrange for the wine for the fundraiser ", he handed me documents. "Yes sir -", I nod and turn on my heels to leave. "Anastasia-", he called out and I hum , looking over my shoulder.
"That skirt is not meant for work", he raised a brow and I glance down at my pretty skirt which was NEW.

"Why not?", I pout and he stood , walking around his desk to get to me. "Why?", he questioned. "Yes-", I whisper, staring up at him through my lashes. "Because I said so", he drawled and made his way to the document cupboard. Was it indecent ? It was cute.

"Stop admiring yourself and get to work ", he scolded and I almost sprint out of his office but I remember those demonic heels and professionally strut out.

11 : 34 am

I was tired of texting Anthony.

He was clearly ignoring me.

I was not even cheating on him. Why would he be upset over small things? Taehyung just touched my head. He didn't stick his dick in me. Not that I know what that felt like. I guess the only book aesthetic thing about me - was my virginity. Ofcourse I wanted sex. But - we agreed to wait till marriage. I refuse to be my mama and sisters who fucked up their lives.

I am different!
And proud!

"Cora -", I hear him call my name.

"Coming!" , I get into his office. "What the fuck is this?", he yelled. I glance at his ink stained hands then at the printer. I had loaded that cartridge. Oh no. Did he just cuss?

"I -", I stutter. "Do you not know how to load an ink cartridge?", he was upset. "I am sorry -", I panicked. "I'll fix it -", I begin to fiddle with the printer. "Just don't-", he snapped . "I called Johnson to do that -", he hissed and wiggled his hands. "My damn clothes -", he fussed and I rushed over to him. "It'll stain-", I brush my hands over his shirt, not taking note of me actually touching his chest. "I am sorry -", I sulk , looking up at him. He was no longer frowning. Infact - his face held no emotion.

"It's okay-", he whispered.

Why do I cry for everything? Why am I built like this?

"Why are you crying ?", he sighed. "I broke the printer ", I sob lightly. "I said it's okay. I should have asked Johnson in the first place -", he was trying to reassure me. So kind. "I am sorry-", I whisper again. "I forgive you Anastasia ", he smiled down at me. Oh? He does? My eyes drop to my small hands which were still on his shirt. Stepping back, I drop my hands and clear my throat. "I - I will get you a water dish", I tried to avoid eye contact.

"I know where the bathrooms are ", he deadpanned and left me alone in his office. Why the fuck did I touch his SHIRT! Bringing my hands up, I wipe my cheeks. I guess I was just genuinely sad today. With everything that was happening. I needed to cry.

"Oh no -", Johnson walked in , shaking his head. "I knew you were clumsy", he was a cocky asshole. He hated me since the day I started this job. He blamed me for not getting promoted. "I did not break it -", I frown , crossing my arms over my chest. "Mr kim himself said you're the clumsy shit who broke it", he rolled his eyes and went on fixing the ink holder.

He called me shit?

That's not nice.

"Don't you have work to do?", he looked at me standing at the desk. "Yeah I do ", I ignore his under breath remarks and stroll out , almost blindly walking into Mr kim. "All clean ", he waved his hands and I force myself to smile. "I'm sorry again ", I mumble and once again, he pets my head. "I said it was fine ".

Nodding my head , I walk back to my desk. Still no messages from Anthony. The misery continues.

14 : 23 pm

My day was dragging.

Here I was - completing college assignments because Brianna was helping with the fundraiser planning. Since she knew what was happening already. I felt like some useless personal assistant. They probably hired me out of pity.

My eyes dart to my cellphone which buzzed. Anthony? - nope just Kristen. Another beautiful staff member requesting me to bring 6 cups of coffee to the conference room. Yes - I'm the coffee girl.


T a e h y u n g' s p o v :

"I say 500 people should be more than enough ".

"I say send out invitations and allow everyone to come. Whoever shows up , show up ".

"How will we cater ?".

I swear I was getting a headache. These men were so undecided. I'd like to step In but fuck it. They can arrange the guest list. As long as my vips were already selected and invited.

My eyes shift to Anastasia who walks in with the coffee tray. She stresses me out. She's a clumsy little college student . "Coffee -", she chimed and began handing out the cups. The way they allow their perverted eyes to trail up and down her body , frustrates me.

She's a fucking kid.

"Thank you Ms Cora ", I take a sip immediately. "Anything else Mr kim?", she stared down at me. Okay - I won't lie. She was extremely beautiful. Like naturally beautiful. No make up. No fancy clothes or jewelry. Just your simple pretty girl.

"You can wear a longer skirt -".

The room fell silent at my comment. Her cheeks turn rosy and her lips part to speak but she froze. The men bounced their eyes from her to me.

Yeah. I said what I said.

"That will be all Anastasia ", I deadpan and she clears her throat. "Okay Mr kim", turning on her heels , she literally ran out. Embarrassed I hope. She needed to learn how to dress appropriately. Maybe she thought it was cute - but it was fucking distracting.

Some men are perverts.

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