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07 : 08 am

Their loud yelling had woken us both.

"Fuck - what time is it?", taehyung grumbled,  turning to find Isabel sound asleep. "Stay with her ", I rub my eye, jumping to my feet and running out of the  bedroom, straight downstairs to find mama and Abby arguing.

"Hey! Hey- the kid is asleep. Why are you both fighting?", I furrow my brows. Mama was crying and Abby was the one raising her voice. Even Rupert had come to watch the unraveling quarreling. "Calm down", he gestured but Abby just couldn't shut up. "Why mama? Where you doubting me? Like you always fucking do-". I step infront of mama, "Abby! Shut up. Mama had been worried sick about your unapologetic ass! You left and never returned. What do you expect? A fucking warm welcome and hug? You didn't even care about your baby!", now I was the one shouting.

"Anastasia- this is between adults. Why don't you go play with your dolls-", she snarled and I frown at her hostile attitude. She could never own up to her mistakes. "I'm a hundred times more mature and responsible than you will ever be Abigail-", I countered and she balled her fists , flaring her nostrils.  "You are too caught up in your own sick world to grasp the fact that you have responsibilities! Isabel should be priority-", I snap , clapping my hands in her face. "Anastasia-", mama called out but I ignore her.  "Mama is not getting any younger Abigail. Pull yourself together and wake the fuck up", I yell and she scoffed. "I will not take advice from a child ", she raised a brow and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Are you serious right now? Are you serious? You're so full of yourself-", I whisper and she shrugged. "I went out for a day. I didn't disappear. I'm here aren't I?", she waved her hands in the air. "Am I invisible? Can you all not see me?". Rupert held mama who could not stop crying. "Look - the woman who accepted back after all those years that you broke her", I grit my teeth. I hated seeing mama weep. Especially not over trash !

"Why do you even care about my life Anastasia? Isabel is my baby. If you want to hover,  go and have your own", that poison struck my heart. Tears pooling in my eyes and bite down on my teeth , holding in my waterworks.  "Enough!", mama croaked. "Yes enough mama. Can you stop sobbing as if I died-", she nagged and I shake my head in disgust. "You are fucking sick. I am ashamed to call you my sister. Infact - I don't even know why I had a string of hope for you. You'll always be a cocky piece of trash-", I spit and she laughed - "me? I'm the trash? Atleast I'm not fucking two men at the same time", she barked and mama yelled stop.


We all turn to find jungkook standing at the door , staring at me. "Kook", I whisper. My heart thumping in my ears. The tears returning as he shook his head, turning on his heels and leaving. "Jungkook-", I call out and rush after him. "Kookie wait-", I run out onto the lawn which was wet with dew. He halt at his car - turning around to look at my pathetic face.

"Is it true? Did he get the best of you ?" .

"Jungkook-", my voice cracked.

"Yes or no Anastasia. Do you have feelings for taehyung?", his voice loud but desperate to hear it was lies. I sniffle , allowing the tears to stroll down my heated cheeks. He scoffed,  rubbing his brow.  "I fucking knew it. No one can win against taehyung ", he got into his car , slamming the door shut. I inhale sharply, wrapping my arms around myself as he sped away. My chest heaved as I head back inside. The house finally silent.

Mama came to meet me in the hallway but I push past her , running upstairs, straight into the bathroom,  shutting the door and sobbing into my palms. Yes I was going to tell him. But not like this. Not from someone else's mouth. Especially not Abby! She always ruined everything. I fucking hate her. I'm sure kookie hated me too. I felt miserable and defeated.



08 : 32 am

"Are you okay?" , he asked for the millionth time. "Taehyung,  I said I don't want to speak about it", I was in a snappy mood yet he wasn't phased. "You were going to tell him anyway- ", he said and I turn to glare at him. "Yes ! But not like this taehyung. You may be glad but I'm not", he raised a brow at my aggression. "Relax Anastasia. I'm not thriving and feasting off your misery", he frowned. "Then leave me alone ", I point to the door. "Are you fucking serious? Why the fuck are you snapping at me?", he was not angry too. "Because you couldn't just leave me alone taehyung. I was happy until you showed. Why can't you just disappear forever!", I yell and his expressions fell.

"Wow-", he shook his head.

"You want me to leave? You do know I'm heading back home tomorrow ", he questioned and I clap my hands. "Excellent. I'll have to pick up the pieces of my life again", I roll my eyes. "Anastasia- what's wrong ?", he came closer, stroking my cheek which was on fire. I had so much pent up anger which was boiling over. From seeing mama cry to Abby ruining my conversation with jungkook.

"Baby?", he whispered and I push his hand away. "Go away ", I mutter and move to stand at the window, staring out into the busy street. "Do you mean that?", he asked and I nod my head ,not wanting to look at him. "If I leave - I'm not coming back", his tone stern and almost broken. "Good", I whisper. I swear I hear him sigh and scoff before his shoes recede. Looking over my shoulder- he was gone. Furrowing my brows,  I dig my nails into my palms. Anything to stop the tears and pain within my soul. I let him go? After never wanting to be away from him? What was wrong with me.

Despite loving him.

I felt toxic. I couldn't be with him with this feeling sitting heavy on my heart. He was a good man who deserved better. Why couldn't he just understand and move on. Why make this hard for us all? Why did I even confess?

Why did I hurt them both...

13 : 23 pm

"They're gone-", mama whispered, staring at the empty couch, where Isabel had once slept. I stand beside her , arm draped around her shoulders. "I thought she had changed-", she mumbled. "But no one ever manages to get rid of old habits", she brought up a hand to wipe her tear stained cheeks. "It's okay mama", I lean in, comforting her when I was broken too.

"Are you okay baby?", she stroked my hand and I nod. "Taehyung left", she whispered and I nod again. "He's a good man baby. They both are. Choosing is hard but when you truly love someone- the decision will come naturally ", she advised while sniffling. "Yes I made a mistake and broke my marriage with papa. It ruined our family. But that mistake turned into my greatest blessing ", she turned to face me. "Making this mistake of allowing Taehyung back into your life ,may just be your blessing", she reached up , stroking her thumb against my cheek. I hadn't even realized I was crying until she pulled me into her arms.

"Don't cry baby. You have time to make it all right", she pat my back as I sob into her shoulder. "Your heart is aching because you like them both. But you can only love one - ", she whispered then add -

"we both know who that is".

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