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A longer skirt ?

I stand infront of the mirror, staring at my cherry checked face. Why did he have to embarass me in the presence of those men? Such a dick move ! Couldn't he discipline me in private.

I pat my cheeks with cold water for the hundredth time before making my way out of the restroom. I had loads of assignments to catch up on and this fundraising event plans. He wasn't making my life any easier by being mean.

Dragging my feet back to my desk , I notice his office door open. He was probably done with the meeting. Before I could sit , he called for me. Damn this man ! With a heavy sigh , I make my way into his office.

"Yes sir?", I tried not to sound tired or angry. Yes I was upset that he let his tongue unleash that comment. It clearly made all of their eyes wander to my skirt. Look at him sitting there like some king. I squint my eyes , dreaming of punching him in his Greek god face. His eyes lift to find mine and I try not to sneer or pout. "Will you please see Mrs kim out -".


I shift my eyes to the blonde seated on the large white couch in the corner of his office. Oh - my - holy - lord. She's not real. She can't be. So beautiful. I feel gay just looking at her. "You must be the new assistant ", she stood to her feet. Her dress falling over her pale thighs. Those golden heels clicked with each graceful step. "I'm hailey kim ", she crossed her arms over her chest , eyes scanning me from head to toe. "Pleasure finally meeting you Mrs kim , you're so beautiful ", I couldn't help the words that spewed out. She gave a little chuckle before turning to look at Mr kim who had been watching us. "She's cute ", her tone was more sarcastic than sincere. Mr kim just raised a brow at her comment. "I'll see you at home -", she deadpanned and walked out of his office. I hurriedly followed, "I'll walk you to your car ", I smiled politely but she shook her head , "I'll be fine ". With that she swayed her hips even more and walked away.

That was awkward.

Why was he so weird? That's his wife. They didn't even have an affectionate goodbye.

I waltz back into his office , hoping to have a say In how he treated women. "Mr kim-", I utter but bump right into him. "What is it?", he looked down at me as I gulped. "Uhm nothing-", I stuttered, stepping back away from his chest. "Did she leave ?", he asked as he strolled to his document cupboard. "Yes. She didn't need my escorting ", I snickered. "She's very beautiful-", I smile ,hoping he'd appreciate the compliment. "Did you order the wine for next week?", he asked instead . "I did -", I whisper, wondering why he was so distant about his marriage.

"Will you be attending?".

"I am not sure. I have assignments due ", I trail off when he looks at me nervously standing at the door. "I require all my staff to be present. You are my personal assistant, so you should be the first one here, Anastasia ". I give a nod and continue watching him move around the office , gathering paperwork. He was so tall and gorgeous. He had a gorgeous wife too. Goals! I have to stalk their Instagram. They must have such stunning pictures together. I bet half the girls here are jealous of Mrs kim. Who wouldn't be ?

"Gawking won't get your work done ". I blink, realizing I was daydreaming while staring at him. "Sorry sir ", I want to die. "Listen -", he started. "About earlier in the conference room. I meant what I said about your skirt. I was not being cocky ", he drawled. "I understand sir. I am sorry ", I shift from one foot to the other.

"Don't be sorry-", he sighed, grabbing a pen from his desk. "I know but saying sorry is the right thing to do -", I ramble while he approaches me. "I told you , get it right the first time ", he got down on one knee. My eyes widen, staring down at him. "The length-", his hand held the back of my thigh and I almost squeak at the contact. My body goes hot and my cheeks burn bright. I feel the pen mark the spot he wanted the length to sit. His fingers were pressing into my skin. I felt dizzy .

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