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"She's beautiful ", I whisper.

"She's a handful-", Abby chuckled while helping mama with dishes. The party had ended about an hour ago. Mama's friends had left and the men were taking down the decor.

"I should have listened to you mama. Older men are no good ", she sighed and stacked the plates. "He left me while I was pregnant. I lost my job - started living from hand to mouth. Went to working 3 jobs just to rent a small place", hearing her struggles made my heart break. I know it was her choice to run off with a married man but I still felt hurt. She was my sister.

"You should have came back home", mama said instead of judging her. This is one of the many reasons , I love mama. "I had no money for flights mama. These past 5 years were difficult. He had left me many times. Cheated and came back. I was always stupid to take him back. I was dependent on his finances ", she shook her head , probably regretting her decisions. "He would never allow me to travel alone. He always said I'd leave and never return. So I stayed with him. Thinking he actually loved me", she scoffed.

"The only good thing that came out of our relationship is my baby-", she peeked over at Isabel who was sound asleep in my arms. Imagine being a 3 month old baby - no drama , no bills to pay , no boy troubles. Just milk , sleep  and peace.

"How did you afford to travel? You should have called me up, Abby. I would have helped you out . Your father would have helped too. Even Anastasia-", mama nagged. "Mama- I was ashamed to ask for help. I disgraced you both. I don't deserve the love and affection ", she really did beat herself up. "Actually- I didn't pay for travel", she wiped up her wet hands. "I arrived yesterday. I stayed at a hotel. Taehyung sent his jet to fetch me-", her eyes shift to me and my jaw almost hit the ground. Mama's eyes bounce from her to me. "Taehyung?", she questioned.

"Yes. He called me up and said he'd pay for everything. He just wanted to see you happy mama" , she smiled and hugged mama.  "He's a good man", she whispered and mama nod , "that he is".

Taehyung did this for mama? I had opened up about mama being miserable. He did this for our happiness? I couldn't help but smile. Such a sweetheart. I had to thank him. Mama was truly happy today. Tears of joy. Her smile was genuine and I adored that.

21 : 07 pm
No one's pov:

"Fuck-", jungkook sighed out, breaking his back by stretching. "You good?", taehyung snort. "I'm done being a servant", jungkook laughed. "Cleaned up pretty good", taehyung high fived him.

"Wanna get out of here? I know a bar around the corner", jungkook wiggled his brows and taehyung looked back at Rupert and papa sitting under the hut canopy. "Yeah " , he turned back to kookie. "Great - I'll go tell Anastasia ", he headed inside, taehyung followed.

The 3 of them were in the living room- laughing and telling each other stories. "Hello beautiful queens" , kookie made them smile more. "Don't let us interrupt ", he leaned in to whisper to Anastasia, "we're heading out. We won't be long". Her eyes shift to taehyung who was leaning against the doorframe. "The two of you?", she questioned with a raised brow. "Yes mam" , jungkook smiled. "Uh yeah okay", she didn't know what else to say. It was weird enough that they were laughing and chatting but now going out? That's awkward.

He kissed her forehead and walked up to taehyung. "C'mon ", he gestured to follow him. Taehyung gave Anastasia a smile before following kookie. Her eyes shift to mama, who was snickering. "Those two are something else", she laughed.

22 : 21 pm

"So - you're telling me you've known her that long?", jungkook downed his 6th beer while taehyung twirled the Whiskey around in his glass. "5 years", he smiled. "Well damn - how the fuck can I compete-", he sulked but taehyung smacked him on the head. "You make her happy. Why the fuck are you doubting yourself?". Jungkook sighed out , popping open another beer. "Yeah? Well you were the one to calm her earlier. Thank you for that. I always feel so hurt when she cries" , he sipped the beer as taehyung ordered his 3rd Whiskey glass.

"This place is nice", taehyung looked around for the first time since they entered an hour ago. "Yeah - the owner and I are friends. His name is Phillip", jungkook slurred and taehyung chuckled, "I'm aware. The name of the place gives it away. Phillips zone", they both laugh , clashing glasses and gulping the alcohol. For jungkook, it went down easy. Taehyungs throat burned as the Whiskey seeped down his throat. "Fuck-", he hissed,  swapping the whiskey for beer. "I could never down whiskey raw. That shit is fucking hell", jungkook laughed. They were drunk.

"You're a kid", taehyung smirked. "Yeah I am-", jungkook nod so hard - hitting his forehead on the countertop. "Fuck!", he rubbed the spot. "Are you okay", taehyung laughed. "Damn-", they laughed. "Hey - remember that one time you punched me for losing Anastasia at the club?", jungkook was bringing up old memories. "Yeah-", taehyung flashed his boxy smile. "We were such assholes ", kookie pout.

"You were the asshole. But look at you now - you've been taking such good care of her ", he pat kooks shoulder. "Yeah I am", he smiled. "I never thought I'd be this happy. But here's to fucking happiness ", he lift his bottle and taehyung joined in. "To happiness", jungkook cheered. "To happiness-", taehyung slurred. "Taetae!", kook threw an arm around the olders neck. "Tell me the truth - we're both mature men here", he chuckled. "Do you still love her?", his question alone made taehyungs cheeks heat up. And it wasn't the fucking alcohol.

"Can I tell you the truth-", taehyung whispered and Kook nodded. "I will always love her ", he said with a soft smile and a twinkle in his bloodshot eyes. "Same-", kookie released him. "She's a good girl", he add and taehyung agreed. "You're a good man ,kim fucking taehyung ", he threw his arm around tae again. "Good fucking man. Let's down tequilas!", he chimed and taehyung grinned at his childlike behavior.

They were going to be sick by the morning.

23 : 37pm

"Fuck-", jungkooks weight was far too heavy for a drunken taehyung. "Fuck ! Can you use your damn legs-", he groaned while helping him out of the car and up the driveway where they stumbled several times. "I am going to throw up-", jungkook hiccupped. "No! Fucking don't-", taehyung knocked on the front door. "Tae-", he continued to nag. "Shut up ", taehyung snapped , struggling to hold them both up.

The door opened and Anastasia frowned. "Where the hell were you two? Jungkook,  look at you", she scolded. "Anastasia- not now", taehyung pushed her aside,  helping jungkook into the silent living room. "Everyone has gone to bed. You two are ridiculous ", she hissed while taehyung laid jungkook on the couch. The man immediately dozing off. "Anastasia? We're home safe. What's the fucking problem ", he raised a brow and she crossed her arms over her chest. "We are not staying here ,taehyung . We have an early meeting tomorrow. We're taking kooks car ", she took the car keys from taehyungs hand.

"You drive?", he snickered. "Ofcourse I can", she snapped. "Geez , tough crowd ", he continued to get on her nerves.

Papa would help jungkook get to his apartment tomorrow. She and him had alot to discuss after this careless hangover.

00 : 32 am

"If we are late tomorrow- you are answering to Mr Taylor ", she groaned while helping him into her apartment. "James - will understand ", he whispered. "I'll take the couch tonight -", he wobbled to the couch while she locked up. "Are you sure? It's uncomfortable-", she kicked off her heels. "No - I'm okay", he laid down. "Why don't you remove the jacket?",  he sat up,  listening to her advice. He was sweating in the leather.

"Also -", she sighed and knelt , removing his sneakers. "Abby told us you helped her. I just want to say thank you-", she looked up through her lashes at him staring down with hooded eyes. "I did it for you-", he was honest. Anastasia smiled - "thank you. It meant alot to me seeing mama that happy ", she flinched when his hand stroked her rosy cheek. "Are you okay?", he blinked. She pressed her lips together before nodding. "I'm fine".

"I hate seeing you cry", his hand traveling into her hair. "You're a good girl. You deserve the fucking world ", he ran his tongue over his lower lip before sighing heavily. "Yeah - tomorrow is going to be a pain. I can already feel it ", he fell onto his back. "Well good", she countered and stood to her feet. "You two should learn to be more responsible ", she lectured but realized he had passed out.


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