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07 : 23 am

"Taehyung- hurry up in there", I grumble while hurriedly packing my lunch bag. We had a meeting in 30 minutes. We couldn't afford being late in front of so many clients. This week was important.

Taehyung had woken up hungover. I heard him puke several times while in the bathroom. Serves him well. I hope kookie was experiencing the same pain. They were so careless last night. Behaving like teenage boys.

"Yah, please don't yell. My eardrums are sensitive ", he appeared and I quickly scan how beautiful he looked. "Oh - you look like a little me", he joked and I roll my eyes. "Drink this-", I hand him a glass of iced water with lemon. "I can feel the puke crawling up my throat with each breath I take", he gulped before sipping the water. "Well - you deserve every moment of this horrid feeling. What were you both thinking?", I move around the counter, pushing him aside. "Why are you like a little speedster ", he groaned while watching me slip into my heels. "Please shut up", I flip my hair , almost smacking him in his face. "You drive - kookie isn't going to work today , so we can use his car. Do you want me to pack you anything?", I glance up at him and pause. He was smiling down at him.

"What?", I whisper.

"I don't know. It's like you've grown in a year. So independent and responsible. No longer my little girl-", he scratched underneath my chin , almost making me purr. "I was never your little girl ", I furrow my brows and he stepped forward, chest almost pressed against me as I backed up against the counter. "Oh ? You were always my little girl. And that you'll remain -", he smirked. The smell of alcohol infused with his strong cologne made me sneeze. "Please- that mixture is a bad combination-", I sneeze again and he laughed , clasping my chin between his fingers and guiding me to crane my neck. "Remember when I had asked you to stay away from kook? Yeah - I'm glad you didn't listen. He's a good guy and I'm glad you're happy. He makes you happy-", he whispered.

Was I paying attention?

Guiltily no.

The smell of his minty breath against my face was making me dizzy. My chest began to heave at the feeling of my breasts brushing against his firm chest. The way his lips moved but I had blocked out the sound of his melodic voice just so I could pay attention to his beautiful facial details.

Little Wife  | TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now