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Anastasia's pov:

The clouds hid the sun. It was 5am and here I was running out of the cab , straight into the building which I avoided for a whole month. Taehyung had requested that we meet In his office and I suggested we did it before the others got to work.

Removing my coat , I throw it over my arm as the elevator pinged and I got off on the 10th floor , heading straight to his office ,which was open. No breathing exercises, no nervous thoughts or sweaty palms. I barge into his office. He casually looked up , no emotion on his beautiful face.

Yes - he was still so beautiful.

"Anastasia ", he greets but I just frown deeply. He had put me through hell and just fucking disappeared. "Take a seat-", he gestured but I remain on my feet. "What do you want ,taehyung?", I tried getting straight to the point. "Respect?", he tilt his head, eyeing me. "What Respect?", I question. "I am still your boss", he deadpanned and I scoff. "I don't work for you anymore. I quit a month back,  but you wouldn't know because you left !", I snap ,feeling the anger which was building erupt. "Like I said - take a seat", he was top cocky and casual. I hated the fact that he was so calm and collected.

"Just tell me what you want-", I blurt abruptly. He released a soft sigh and got to his feet. "How have you been?". What the absolute fuck! "Taehyung, can we not do this back and forth bullshit? I do not need to be here after you fucking screwed me over. Your wife practically made everyone believe I'm some whore who got fucked by her husband. Listen , I was drunk- but I do recall that night. We did not have sex ", I spew everything out like a flood. All of this pain,  anxiety and  stress- I needed to get it all off my chest.

"Lower your tone-", he was soft but firm and authoritative. "Why? Why would I ever listen to you again? Did you even stand up for me ? Tell your wife that tape wasn't true-", I continue to rant as he sat on the edge of his table , just staying silent. "Taehyung- did you or did you not defend me?", I felt the tears pooling.

"We got divorced ".

My heart felt like it was on a rollercoaster,  going upside on a loop. Great , another reason they'd blame me. I was the cause of this. I broke their marriage. I am a home wrecker-

"Before you go on assuming this was your fault  - don't. Hailey and I had always had a complicated relationship which was based on business. I needed time away from work , fucked up people and most importantly  - you", he trailed off , keeping his eyes on me. "I know you've had your own share of problems to deal with -", I lift a hand to stop him. "Taehyung,  I just need to know if you told everyone that the tape was not us. I'm not a whore -", my voice brittle and almost hard to hear .

I did not care about his divorce. I did not care if he thought I'm important. I just needed to know if he stood up for me. If he chose me the way I chose him that night he was drunk and couldn't stand without wobbling. I needed to know...

"Anastasia- I handed hailey that tape".

The ground underneath my feet turned into darkness. Everything around me slowed down,  including time . His confession had punched me straight in the gut. The vomit crawled up my throat. If my heart beat any faster , it would burst . 

"You what-", I whisper.

"I gave hailey that tape. Listen, Anastasia. I am entirely and utterly obsessed with the idea of you. You're young and innocent. It fascinates me-", he stood, slipping his hands into his pants pockets and slowly pacing to where I stood frozen and in shock. "Sure you played hard to get and i found that cute-", he towered me. The air around us  , tense and suffocating.  "Unfortunately I hate chasing something that's constantly trying to escape", he leaned over , getting to my eye level.

"I will not chase you, Anastasia Rosalie Cora".

"Then don't ", I yell in his face. "Why would you ruin my life !", I step back,  moving away from him. "Why are you such an asshole?", I couldn't stop the tears. I was so angry at him ! At myself! "Don't chase me ,taehyung. I did not want you in the first place. You pushed yourself on me ", I bite down on my teeth. Watching his expressionless face was fueling my anger.

"If I recall - you were the one who wanted me on my knees ", his answer blunt and raw. "Shut up-", I croak. "You got what you wanted, taehyung. God knows why you did it but you won-", I clap my hands together and strut to the door. "Not yet-", he called out and I halt. "What more do you want", I turn to glare at him. He shifted to his table,  holding up documents. "I did not win yet , Anastasia. Having you is a must-", he smirked , waltzing to me. "Owning you is priority-", he extended his hand. I snatch the documents- briefly scanning. The laugh that erupted made his smile fade. "You want me to be your wife? Are you fucking kidding-", I continued to laugh,  throwing the forms on the floor.

"Fuck off", I whisper.

"It won't take long to find your parents address. The tape will reach them before you can use that pretty mouth to cuss me again-", he smirked , crossing his arms over his chest.

"You wouldn't dare-", I frown and he leaned in , "try me , princess".

"You sick fuck", I push at his chest only once . He grabbed my wrists , pushing me up against the wall, hard enough to make me grunt. "You have no idea who the fuck you're speaking too-", he whispered. He was uncomfortably close. His scent drowning me. Slowly he released my wrists- my eyes drop to the blue marks his tight grip left.

"Why did I think you were normal-", I whisper, rubbing my wrists. "Wanting you isn't abnormal-", he walked away. Bringing up my hands , I wipe my wet cheeks. The forms remained on the floor , staring up at me.

"I don't want to marry you-", I whisper. He gave a shrug , sitting on his table and gawking at me. "It's either you do this my way or you can allow your parents to watch your sweet ass get fucked -", he pointed to the forms. "Fuck you", I mumble. Why was I  being tested ? I was only 21 . This man could not be serious. He has only known me for 2 months. How the heck did he fall for me?

It's not even falling in a sweet, romantic light. He's obsessed to the point he'd make a sex tape to use against me if I said no.

"Well?", he moved from his table,  picking up the forms. "What's its going to be ?", he held them out again. My eyes bouncing from his face to the documents.

"Please don't make me do this-", I begged. I had stormed in here wanting to vent and smack him in the face. Right now - all I wanted to do was leave. "Anastasia-", he whispered, waving the forms. "Taehyung- what will people think? You just got divorced and you're married so soon", I tried to cook up excused but ofcourse he did not buy them.

"Clearly I do not care for what peasants think ", he raised a brow. Peasants? I did not want my family to know I screwed up. Being compared to my mother would be the worst thing that ever happens. Allowing them to watch that tape will end my LIFE!

"If I do this- promise you will destroy that tape ", my heart clenched. I knew I'm about to make the biggest mistake of my life. But - people make mistakes everyday right? How bad could this turn out ? I'd find a way to divorce him in the future or maybe he'd get bored of me the same way he did with hailey.

"I promise ", he gave his word.

I swallow the lump in my throat as I take the forms. He gestured to the table and I move along with him. Placing down the forms , I lift his pen in my shaking hand and sign the document faster than the speed of light. The tears tumble down my cheeks which blazed. I squeeze the pen out of frustration before placing it down and turning around to meet his gaze.

"Get rid of the -", he cut me off , pressing his lips to mine. "Taehyung-", I push at his chest, until he pulled away , resting his forehead against mine.

"Mrs kim-", he whispered.

I guess you fail to see through someone who appears to be mature and responsible. Taehyung took me by surprise. His mind was a maze and my life with him had only begun. Things are only going downhill from here on out. He's a man lusting after fleshly desires. Trying to keep distance was what me in this mess. It made him crave me more than he already did.

Being his wife will be a challenge. Receiving hate and emotional abuse was not something I could handle- but that's life.

Living with Kim Taehyung was life.

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