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17 : 23 pm

I stood in the lobby, waiting for taehyung who was with a client. Shifting around in my uncomfortable heels , I continue to glance at the time. There was so much to be done. I needed to pack my clothes and hopefully buy my parents and sister gifts. I couldn't return home empty handed with such huge news.

"Anastasia-", her voice startled me. "Stella ", I breathe and she smiled. My eyes bounce to other girls with her ,including Brianna. "We're heading out for some drinks. You want to join?", her question made me blink several times. Did they just ask me to join them? Me? The one who fucked up? "Uhm-", I mumble and Brianna grabbed my hand. "C'mon, it will take stress off your shoulders ", she gave a smile.

"Are you girls sure?", I ask in a soft voice and they giggle. "Ofcourse silly. We wouldn't ask if we didn't want you there", Stella rolled her eyes and I smile brightly. "Then yes , I shall join", I squeeze bri's hand just to make sure this was all real. "Do you need permission from Mr kim?", she raised a brow and I quickly shake my head. "Ofcourse not ", I blabbed. "Let's go then", she pulled me along and I laugh.

Maybe I should have told taehyung but the excitement which coursed through my body was far more important. If I had told him and he said no - then what?

Maybe things were easing up after all. I thought my life as an innocent, untarnished girl was over...maybe not.

19:34 pm

I spit out my drink as we all end up laughing at a bad joke Brianna made. Don't ask me how and when I ended up on my 7th banana alcohol blended smoothie. But - here I was , sitting in a booth at this fancy nightclub bar with girls whom I thought despised me. I've never had this much fun in all my life.

It's always been school - then home . College - then home. Work - marriage. I've never gotten a chance to live out my youth. I'm only 21 - so fuck it right.

"So Anastasia- ", Stella clapped and I hummed while slurping the smoothie. "You've got to tell us how massive Mr Kim's cock is", they all giggled while I choked on the drink. "What-", I cough and they laugh louder. "Well? Don't be shy. He's insanely hot and you are fucking lucky ",  Brianna gulped down her tequila. "I guess-", I mumble. I never really gawked at his cock when we were in the shower. I did see his ass though. The thought made me smile and slurp the smoothie. He was dangerously gorgeous without trying.

But he was also a prick.

"Ladies -", I lift my head to watch a group of other girls make their way into the booth to join us. "Who's the newbie?", the red head pointed to me , who awkwardly waved, straw still between my lips. "A friend from work ",  Brianna answered and they continued to catch up. I couldn't help but notice how all these girls were barbie dolls. Even under the dancing lights and booming music - they seemed effortlessly beautiful. Like models in a vogue photoshoot.

"Ladies-", they all glance up at the male who showed up,  his back faced to me as he greeted them all . The girls literally had heart eyes. He sat beside me with a loud sigh and I just stare at him. His eyes find mine and the smile returned to his face.

Okay - I see why they had heart eyes. Another insanely gorgeous Korean man. Mullet , piercings, tattoos...yeah.

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Little Wife  | TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now