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All that filled the silent room was the heavy sound of his vibrating cellphone. With a groan and murmur, taehyung snaked his hand underneath his pillow , pulling out the ringing phone which had disturbed the sleep he desperately needed.

"Hello?", he answered abruptly.


The softness of her voice made him glance at the caller before sighing and placing it back to his ear. "Anastasia. You are aware of the time , right ?". She remained silent on the other end before giving a hum. "I know I disturbed your sleep but I need a little favor " , she sounded nervous to even be asking this from her boss. "Yeah? What is it?", he sat , rubbing his eye. "Would you please fetch me from the bar? My boyfriend is in no condition to drive me back to my apartment and honestly the cabs at 2am are rather sketchy ", she trailed off. Taehyung scratched the back of his head. "Yeah , stay put. I'll be there soon", with that he hung up , getting out of his warm bed.

"Fuck -", he complained to himself as he rummaged around the closet for clothes. She didn't sound drunk and her boyfriend is clearly an asshole for putting her in danger. Well , she isn't in danger but he was still worried about her.

After all - she does wear such slut like clothes. What will drunk men think of her ?
With that thought running through his mind , taehyung hurried into his sweatpants and hoodie.

02 : 32 am

Anthony had gotten drunk out of his mind and literally passes out with his friends in the booth. I on the other hand did not touch any alcohol. I felt rather stupid for calling up the only person I knew with a car.

I hope his wife doesn't mind.

Sitting outside the bar , I breathe in the fresh morning breeze. It was cold yet refreshing and soothing. My skin crawled with goosebumps but it was worth it. The streets were quiet and all the other stores were closed , besides this bar/ club. Anthony was not irresponsible but he let himself go last night.

Tapping my feet on the ground, I couldn't help but admire my small toes . Yeah , I removed my heels. The soles of my aching feet could not bare the pain any longer. Like needles being stabbed into me over and over again.

I wonder if Mr kim is upset that I called him up. I hope he isn't. I'll definitely make it up to him. I'll work harder and bring him better coffee.

The squeak that fell out of my mouth when the coat landed on my lap made my heart pound. Looking up , I lock eye contact with him. A frown on his face and - he looked so normal in those clothes.

"Taehyung -", I grasp the coat and stand to my feet. "You should have just went home after work", he deadpanned, snatching the coat from my hands and draping It around me shoulders. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, sir", I whisper, staring up at him. "I asked you not to apologize. Get it right the first time ", he shook his head and gestured for me to follow him to the car.

Yeah- he was clearly upset that I disturbed him.

"I am sorry-", I apologize again once we get into the warm and toasty car. "It's fine, Anastasia ", he grumbled in his deep, sleepy voice. Once the car was back on the road, I keep my eyes on the window.

"Will it be okay with you to come spend the rest of the morning at my place? Yours is little to far for me to drive right now ", he whispered and I turn to him. "Will that be okay with Mrs kim?", I questioned and he chuckled. "I said sleep at my place Anastasia, not sleep with me".

I flush 50 shades of embarrassed!

"What- I wasn't implying that", I stuttered. "I know ", he smiled, keeping his eyes on the road. My heart was in panick mode. "Are you cold?", he asked and I shake my head. "Are you sure?", he reached out to touch my leg again but this time I grab his hand , stopping him. His eyes shift to find mine and I blush crimson. "What?", he asked confused and I release his hand , which went back to the steering.

"I said I'm fine , Mr kim", I whisper.

I did not want him touching me randomly. That's weird. I swear if it were any other girl , they'd allow that blasphemy!


One word -


His house was massive. I would get lost within these walls if he weren't guiding me. Instead of leading me upstairs, I follow him down a long passage and into a bedroom. The sheets were messed and it smelled of his cologne. It looked like he was sleeping here...without his wife.

"You can sleep here ", he pointed to the bed before moving to the closet. "Thank you Mr kim", I say , setting down my shoes and purse. I remove his coat and neatly lay it on the dresser. The carpet underneath my feet was so soft and delicate. I scrunch my toes into the fabric and sigh.

"You can use these ", he came out , throwing a t-shirt and sweat pants on the bed. "Oh thank you", I smile shyly. "You're welcome ", he said without returning the smile.

"Again , I am sorry for disturbing you ", I fiddle with my skirt. He made me nervous. Not because I'm afraid of him. But - because he was my boss. I did not want him thinking I was taking advantage of his nature.

"Anastasia, just make yourself comfortable and get some rest", he took his phone from the side dresser. "Text or call if you need anything". "I will , thank you", I smile and wait for him to leave - but - he doesn't. "Your boyfriend always this irresponsible? Leaving a girl alone?", he raised a brow and I shrug my shoulders. "He - he isn't irresponsible. It's just that , he got super wasted and couldn't take me home", I tried explaining but Mr kim was a man not a teenager. So he'd obviously disagree with me.

"You're so naive ", he stepped closer. Instead of moving back, I keep my feet planted, not shifting an inch. "I'm glad you weren't drunk when I fetched you. For a little girl , you amaze me", he brings up his hand , clasping my chin between his index and thumb. "You are responsible for your age. You're young , enjoy life. Stop being caught up in things that aren't for you".

What does that mean?

"You're smart Anastasia. I admire your dedication ", he smiles and I couldn't help but smile back. His compliment made my heart swoon. All this time I thought he was cocky and didn't appreciate me.

But he does.

The feeling of his warm hand traveling to cup my cheek made me snap out of my thoughts. Lifting my eyes to meet his. I could feel my heart thump against my rib cage. He was just staring down at me . He was so handsome without even trying. His hair flopped over his forehead, nose small and red. Cheeks puffed due to sleepiness.
His thumb gently stroked my rosy cheek.

Back and forth.
Back and forth.

"What?" , I finally whispered and he smiled. "You're cute-", he admitted and I almost collapse. "Well , goodnight ", he dropped his hand and stepped back. The sudden disappearance of his warmth made me sort of sad? Why?

"Goodnight taehyung", I smile and shut the door after he leaves.

Stop thinking about him!

He's married!

Little Wife  | TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now