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"Her husband ".

"What! He's just joking", I squeak out while trying to keep Anthony from kicking the fuck out of my drunk boss. "Why is he here , Anastasia?", he barked in my face. He was pissed and It was understandable. "I- I don't know ", I was forcing myself not to cry. I was not guilty! "Isn't he your fucking boss? The one I had warned you about? What did you say ,Anastasia? ", he continued to yell above his lungs and I was afraid we'd get kicked out due to noise. "Anthony, please calm down", I wave my hands in the air . "Calm down? Are you fucking him?", he snarled and at this point I go silent.

He never failed to accuse me of bullshit. "Ask him to leave before I throw him out myself ", he pointed a warning finger at me. Looking over my shoulder,  taehyung was leaning against the wall , unable to keep himself up. He was so drunk. How could I kick him out in that condition? "What are you waiting for?", he shoved me and I yelp. "Yah! Don't fucking touch her-", taehyung growled , pushing himself off the wall and yanking me toward him. "Who the fuck are you to tell me not to touch my girlfriend-", they were not going to stop. One of them had to leave.

"Stop!", I shout but they continued. Taehyung stepping closer to Anthony. "Get the fuck out -", Anthony hissed but taehyung laughed ,just to fuel the raging fire. "Why don't you leave , Anton", he slurred. "It's Anthony!", he grit his teeth. "Who the fuck names their kid that in the 21st century?", taehyung snickered .

"Stop it !", I push myself between them. "Anthony , I think it's best you leave ", the words rushed out of my mouth and the apartment burst into silence. They both stare down at me. "Are you fucking serious?", he scoffed ,shaking his head in disappointment. Believe me , I was disappointed too. But - taehyung could not drive in that condition. If anything happened to him , I wouldn't forgive myself.

"You're just like your mother. A worthless bitch-", he pointed at me before storming out . I slam the door shut and break down at his words. Those were the words I kept myself from becoming .  The tears were flooding down my burning cheeks. "Anastasia-", he whispered, his hand gently squeezing my shoulder.

"I'm sorry-".

I couldn't help the chuckle that left my mouth between sobs. "Get it right the first time , Mr kim", I looked over my shoulder at his serious face. "You don't have to apologize ", I say to him. I bet this was the first time this man had ever apologized. "Anthony and I are complicated ", I whisper but he remained Mr frowny. "If I weren't drunk out of my mind , I would so kiss the fuck out of you-", he smirked , bringing his hands up to wipe my wet cheeks.

"You can have the bed -", I take his hand , leading him into the bedroom. He bumped into the walls multiple times. "Are you okay?", I sniffled as he fell onto the bed. "Taehyung? Do you want something to eat ?", I tap his thigh but realized he had already passed out. "That was quick-", I throw a blanket over him and remove his shoes. His cell phone kept buzzing but I just leave it on the dresser and head to sleep on the living room couch.

Drawing my knees up to my chest , I scan through my gallery. Anthony and I were so much happier when we had distance between us. There was more trust and stability. Ever since I moved to New York, everything fell apart. I missed home. My parents and  sister. I'd call them up later. Laying down, I sniffle , sobbing into my blanket.

We were definitely over after this.

Taehyungs pov:


My head was pounding as if someone were bashing it with a hammer. Sitting up , I rub my forehead before opening my eyes to the bright bedroom, which was not mine. "What the fuck-", I hiss again at the immense pain. This was definitely a lesson not to get wasted. I throw the blanket off and get onto my feet.

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