Ch. 9

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Dahyun's POV

I'm sweating a lot as I prepare for Sana and I's, as Chaeyoung calls it, "date".

I kept checking time and kept spraying perfume on my clothes so not only do I look presentable, but also smell like one.

Chaeyoung kept teasing me earlier when I suddenly video-called her to help me with my outfit for today.


"Should I go for casual? Or formal? I don't know where Sana-unnie's taking me! I'm panicking!"

"Woah, calm your non-existent ass down, Dahyun. I'm pretty sure you'll look good in anything." Chaeyoung answered from the other line.

"But I don't want to look out of place when Sana-unnie arrives! What if she's taking me to a restaurant? Or what if she's just taking me to a park? And what the fuck are you saying about me having a non-existent a-!" She cut me off before I could even finish.

"Easy. Just go for wherever you're comfortable with. You guys aren't dating yet so try too look as casual-ish as possible."

"You need to work on your vocabulary, Chaeng." I deadpanned.

"Hey, I'm helping you out here! Least you could do is thank me, hmph!"

"Thanks." I gave her the most monotoned voice I could muster.

"Geez, I could really feel the sincerity in your voice." She joked which made me chuckle. "Call yourself lucky because I didn't ask for 10,000 won from you so you could take it on your date. You lost the bet, by the way."

"I know. I didn't really expect this to happen, to be honest. I'll give you your money on monday."

"Nah, keep it. I just wanted you to have someone to love, no need to thank me!" Chaeyoung gave me a peace sign and a wink which made me roll me eyes.

But I really am thankful for Chaeyoung. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have been interested in Sana.

On the second thought, it was myself who decided to be closer to Sana. But I'll let it slide for the sake of Chaeyoung's pride.

"Thanks, Chaeng. For real, this time." I smiled which made her happy.

Flashback end

Why did I even asked Chaeyoung in the first place though? I only have casual clothes since I don't go out that often.

I sure do hope Sana doesn't mind me wearing a hoodie.

A few minutes later, a black car stopped in front of me which kind of made me nervous. That is until Sana walked out of it.

"Arigatou, Hayate-san..." Asgdgfkdkl I didn't understood a thing other than that. She was speaking in Japanese, perhaps.

After a small chat with her driver, she closed the car door and turned around to face me. Gave me a smile and waved.

My jaw almost dropped at how beautiful she was. Even just wearing a black tank top and denim shorts makes her look like a fashion model.

"Were you waiting for too long?" Was the first thing she asked me.

I decided to snap at her so it wouldn't be obvious that I was drooling over her beauty.

"A good amount of time, yes." I sarcastically said. Woman, I've been waiting for almost 30 minutes, if you must know-!

"I know, I'm so sorry." Sana laughed. "I was late on purpose 'cause I thought you would've just arrived here. They say that girls tend to be late since they take longer to prepare."

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