Chapter 2

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The gates of Greenwood are huge and tower high above us as we cross the bridge into the citadel. It is stunning with intricate carvings decorating the pillars. I also spy a large garden through one of the arches and make a note to go explore later. 

A tall elf with flowing blond hair and a crown of twigs and bright red berries steps forward with open arms "Thoron. Galriel. So good to see you again my friends." Dogion comes forward and helps me dismount "Thank you." he bows his head "No problem princess." he goes to help my sister while I hide half behind my father peeking out from behind the fabric to spy a boy about my age behind Oropher.

I wave slightly smiling when he waves back "May I introduce my son. Thranduil come forward." he steps to the side revealing the boy probably a little older than me and Lae, he bows slightly and my father pushes me and my sister forward "Our daughters Laeanna and Y/N." Laeanna curtseys gracefully "A pleasure my lord." I curtsey and offer a smile smile "Your magesty thank you for welcoming us, your home it is beautiful." 

The king smiles "Welcome to Greenwood. Please you have had a long journey, come I have had a feast prepared." I trail behind slightly eyes darting around to take everything in half listening to my sister pepper the prince with questions.  He is only six years older and doesn't seem to enjoy talking answering each question with as few words as possible. He seems rather grumpy and not someone I would easily make friends with. 

Once we are all seated and food has been served I take the time to look at the prince. He has his fathers golden hair and piercing blue eyes he doesn't seem to smile a lot only a small upward quirk in the right corner of his mouth. Once we have eaten my mother leads the two of us to two rooms opposite each other "I will come collect you in the morning for breakfast, it is easy to get lost here. Dogion will be stationed at the end of the hallway should you need anything. Goodnight my dears."

I find I have a large balcony that looks out over the garden and haul myself up so I can sit on the fence top swinging my legs out in the open air "You should be careful highness, that is quite a distant to fall." I jump gripping the bannister tightly so I don't fall and look down to find Thranduil leaning crossed armed against a large tree "I assure you I am perfectly safe." 

He shrugs elegantly and I gather my thoughts "May I help you or do you regularly stand and stare at guests?" he grins "You are not like your sister are you?" I laugh "We may be twins but I am afraid our birthday is the only likeness we share." he nods slightly flicking a piece of hair out his face "I apologise for startling you." I swing myself back onto the balcony leaning over the side which is less straining for my neck "It is quite alright."

Thranduil steps forward bowing "Goodnight princess Y/N." I smile bobbing my head "Goodnight Prince Thranduil." he leaves dissapering into the dark, perhaps we will be friends after all.

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