Chapter 14

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Gondor the once shining city is now gray with dust and grime on the horizon Mordor. King Amdir of Lórien has already gathered his forces on the edge of the city with King Oropher next to his. The army of men lay opposite. King Amdir and Oropher step forward both Elrond and I dismounting to greet them. 

"Welcome, to the last alliance." We both bow our heads in greeting "We travel two hundred strong with four hundred more marching as we speak." King Amdir smiles softly "We will need every soldier in our midst ready to fight in three days. Then we will make our final stand against Sauron. Rest yourselves you will need it." 

Elrond turns to address the troops while King Oropher stops me "My son has been asking for you. I will send him to your camp when he arrives with the last of our soldiers." I smile something like butterflies erupting in my stomach "Thank you." My own soldiers dismount putting up tents quickly and efficently my own is pitched next to the meeting tent. 

Kao arrives a day and a half later joining our camp. The gathered soldiers are a sight to see Elves and men training alongside each other ready for the final push tomorrow. 

We are called to a meeting of the leaders where Elendil and his son Isildur start laying out the plan for tomorrow. Koa is tense by my side, Lord Elrond and his captain, King Oropher and King Amdir also at the table though both their sons are missing. This battle is going to be a massacar but it is our last hope. The last alliance of men and eleves, lets hope its enough. 

"Princess Y/N you will take the left flank along with King Amdir. Lord Elord, King Oropher you take the right and we will be in the middle." we all nod staring down at the map our army dwarfed by that of Saurons. "We will fight until the last man. For all of Middle Earth we fight. Rest well, tomorrow we march.""

The tent empties Koa and me walking back to our camp both silent and grave "Your parents asked for you to reconsider their offer." I smile shaking my head slightly "I will not abandon my soldiers or you." he chuckles wrapping an arm around my shoulders "Until tomorrow captain." I smile patting his back "Sleep well Koa." 

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