Chapter 13

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The war with Mordor is devistaing from the very beginning the dark forces that have ammased in the East are vast and men, dwarves and elves are fighting side by side in an effort to contain them. Orcs seem to be everywhere appearing in swarms out of knowhere.

Groaning I push into the war tent where Koa my second and Elrond are standing around the main table a great map layed across the surface "Captain l/n." I manage a small smile loosening the armour around my shoulders. and removing my crown (A blend of the two below)

 and removing my crown (A blend of the two below)

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"What news?" I frown taking a long drink of water "Not good

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"What news?" I frown taking a long drink of water "Not good. The men are loosing heart, the dwarves will not listen to us. I am afraid the list of casualties grows by the day." 

"Any news from Oropher or Greenwood?" I shake my head "They move to Gondor to join King Amdir." Elrond frowns everyone in the tent looks exhausted covered in the dirt of the battle fields. "We must join them. Destroy the ring." 

The air in the tent tenses Koa shaking his head "You think that is even possible?" Elrond turns grave "It must be or we will all suffer. We have been called to Gondor. Isildur wishes to raise an army to destroy the darkness." I take another long drink "I'll spread the word around camp. Lets hope we are not too late. Kaito will send word to Gondor of our arrival."

Elrond bows his head "We must move swiftly." Koa walks by my side as we weave our way through to our tents of soldiers all battle weary but ready to continue on. Elira is already saddled and ready with Kaito perched on her saddle feathers currently a deep brown. I stroke his head gently "You must fly to Gondor and give this to the king. We will join his army as swiftly as we are able."

I tie the note to his leg "Swiftly as you are able." he takes of dissapering into the cloud "You should rest." I shake my head adjusting my armour slightly"I'm fine Koa, do not worry. Send word to my father of the plan to move. I will help ready the troop," he still looks worried so I grip his shoulder gently "Koa I'm fine. Save your energy."

He leaves and I slowly make my way around the camp helping pack up supplies back on to horses that were only unloaded yesterday. With four hundred footsoldiers and two hundred cavalry we will have to move swiftly in two groups. I will leave Koa behind with the footsoldiers and travel with the cavalry. There will only be two days between the two armies. 

Once everything is packed my mind wanders to Thranduil and where he may be. I frown mounting Elira stroking her mane gently before joining Lord Elrond at the front of the cavalry "Koa will follow with your Captain Vidarr." He nods looking grave as we all have the past eleven and a half years "We must hurry. Middle Earth does not have long."

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