Chapter 31

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(time skip a few years)

Yawning I stretch out on the bed reaching out for Thranduils warmth but find the other side of the bed empty. Opening my eyes I sigh spotting a note on my side table:

Good morning my love, 

I am afraid I had to attend a meeting this morning but will be back at midday. Enjoy your training. 

Thranduil xxx

Smiling I wash and change before heading to the training ground finding the regular guards their already. "Morning your majesty. Your late, something keep you up late?" I shoot Aerin a glare moving to the practice dummys "Careful Aerin or you'll be spending a night in the dungeons." I laugh rolling my eyes slightly Idril joining me "Would you like to spar your majesty." I laugh nodding "How long till you all stop calling me that?" the two of them shrug "As it annoys you so much probably not for a while." 

Rolling my eyes I take out my sword spinning it around "Well what ever you call me, won't stop me beating you." Idril grins drawing his own sword "One of these days I will." Grinning we throw blows back and forth Aerin commentating as we move. I turn and bring my sword down hard Idril's clattering to the ground "Best out of three?" I laugh kicking his sword back to him "Alright."

A maid walks outside curtsying "Your majesty. King Thranduil requests your presence." I smile sheathing my sword "Guess we will have to reschedule." I follow the maid inside to the throne room finding Thranduil looking troubled on his throne "Are you alright my love?" he looks up smiling warmly holding out a hand which I take gently kissing his knuckles "Fine my dear. I have just found out I have a whole day of meetings and just wished to see you." I smile as he pulls me into his lap an arm wrapping around my waist "I understand love." he sighs pressing gentle kisses to my cheeks "I'll make it up too my darling." 

I chuckle cupping his face "Its alright really." he smiles shoulders relaxing "I am so lucky to have you my darling." I chuckle kissing him and climbing to my feet "I'll see you later." I walk back to our room and lay down suddenly feeling very tired. 

"Y/N?" I hum limbs heavy with sleep "How where your meetings?" he sighs pressing light kisses down my arm "Same as usual, the thought of you waiting for me kept me going." I grin rolling over into his arms "I don't know what came over me I laid down to have a short nap and ended up sleeping all afternoon." he frowns pressing a hand to my forhead "Perhaps you are ill. Should I fetch a healer?" I shake my head wrapping my arms around him "No, just being with you makes me feel instantly better." 

He chuckles pulling me closer "Perhaps go see the healer tomorrow?" I nod inhaling deeply "I love you." 

"I love you too my dear."

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