Chapter 32

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Over the next few days I continue having random bouts of tiredness and decided its time to go see a healer. Changing into a loose shirt and trousers I walk to the healers quarters knocking gently on the door "Your majesty, please come in. Are you feeling all right?" I sigh following the healer inside "I am not sure. But Thranduil thought it best I come see you." she nods motioning to a low bed "Please lay back." 

I do as told and she slowly goes over a bunch of tests before a large smile spreads across her face "I believe congratulations are in order your majesty. It would appear we will be welcoming a new royal in a few months time." I feel my eyes widen and my jaw drop putting a hand over my stomach "I'm pregnant." she nods a soft laugh escaping "Yes your majesty. I've been a healer long enough to know the signs." 

I nod slightly sitting up "I'm pregnant." she smiles squeezing my hand gently "I will leave you to absorb the information. But I will have a tonic prepared for nausea and to help along the way. You will have to have regular check ups, I'm sure you and your husband will want to know everything is healthy." she stands and I do the same wandering over to the door in a slight daze, how do I tell Thranduil? 

"Your majesty. Woah are you alright? You look as though you've seen a ghost." I look up smiling slightly at Aerin "I'm fine." he smiles "Are you sure?" I nod smiling brighter "Yes, thank you. Do you know where Thranduil is?" he nods "The King? Yes he was in the library." Thanking him I walk quickly to the library pushing open the door and looking between the high shelves "Thranduil?" I sigh in relief finding him sitting in one of the window seats writing "Y/N my darling. Are you alright?" 

I smile gently sitting opposite him "Yes. Excellent actually. I went to see the healer." he instantly sits upright writing things forgotten as he takes my hands in his concern filling his eyes "Everything is okay?" I nod staring at our hands his thumbs rubbing gentle circles into mine "Yes." I take a deep breath "I'm pregnant." 

He is instantly on his feet sweeping me up into his arms spinning us around laughing heartily "Your pregnant? We're having a baby? I'm going to be a father." I laugh feeling a little dizzy "Yes." He places me down gently both hands pressing against my stomach "You are going to make an incredible mother." I chuckle as he presses kisses all over my face before dropping to his knees and kissing my stomach "I am going to love you so much little one." I smile running my fingers through his hair "We're going to have our own little family." he stands once more capturing my lips in a searing kiss "I love you and I love our little one already." 

"Are you feeling alright?" I nod "Currently yes, I feel excellent." he nods gently pulling me back down onto the window seat "I'll come with to the healer visits. I want to make sure your both healthy, I'll spend as much time with you as possible. I trust all my advisors to run the kingdom for a short time when the baby is born. You will have to be careful I'll support you as much as I can." I laugh gripping his hand gently kissing his cheek "Calm my love, we have plenty of time to work through all this." he nods smiling warmly kissing my wedding ring then the back of my hand "I love you." 

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