Chapter 20

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I jump down from Trief swinging my balde in a wide arc behinding the two orcs closest while Kaito attacks from the skys talons blinding and distracting while I behead them. It doesn't take long only eight of them soon littering the groung. Kaito lands on a low branch cleaning his feathers I relax cleaning my blades on the grass tensing once again when a branch snaps just behind me.

I stand slowly gripping both daggers tightly "Elf scum." I turn finding myself surronded by orcs. Cursing I motion to Kaito who takes off disappering towards home "Do I really have to kill all of you?" the leader steps forward growling "You will die elf scum." 

Swinging my blades around I hit Trief on her flank sending her running into the trees "I wouldn't be so certain." I grip my daggers tightly as the orcs step closer forming a circle baring their teeth and shaking weapons covered in questionable stains. 

With the other eight I had the element of surprise on my side and they were were poorly armed. There are thirteen surrounding me all well armed. Groaning internally I try and think of ways to stall for time when an elf on the back of a large Elk bursts through the trees golden hair streaming behind them.

Lunging forward I attack the leader using the momentery distraction to my advantage. A sharp pain cuts across my side sending me backwards the orc who cut me grinning and licking his blade before I decapitate him. 

The other orcs lay dead on the ground as I lower my daggers and turn to thank my rescuer coming face to face with "Thranduil?" his eyes widen looking as shocked as I feel "Y/N? Your alive." I smile feeling a little dizzy "I belive so." he chuckles stepping forward "I looked for you but you were gone." 

"I've been dealing with stray packs of orcs. I was headed home when this lot appeared. Thank you for saving me." he nods face turning grave as he stares at my side "You're bleeding." I look down finding the side wound a lot worse than I thought blood already staining my shirt and trousers as it spreads "Oh." feeling dizzy again I stumble slightly finding a strong arm wrapping around my shoulders "Easy princess. We should get you too a healer." 

"I'm fine really. I'm fine." Thranduil ignores my pitiful excuses pulling me up into his arms effortlesly as my vision blurs  "Mirkwood is not far. Hold on Y/N." Everything swims in and out of focus as we reach Mirkwoods Thranduil calling out for a healer then everything goes dark. 

Everything aches as I come around the room is large and bright. "You lost a lot of blood your highness. I advice not moving around too much." Turning my head I find a healer holding a jug of water which she places down gently on the bed side "How are you feeling?" 

"Could be better." She smiles pulling back the sheets and examining my side "Well it has stopped bleeding and you should be able to move around in a couple of days. But take it easy. I will return later today." 

She leaves and I push myself up slightly wincing. "You shouldn't be moving." I look at the door and find Thranduil wearing silver robes and a worried expression "Hello to you as well." he chuckles sitting on the edge of the bed "How are you feeling?" 

"Good thank you. It seems I owe you my life." he shakes his head slightly "I'm just glad you're alright. I wasn't sure what happened to you." 

"Koa got injured. I had to make sure he got home along with the others. We lost over a third of our soldiers, I had to deal with their families and funerals. Orcs have been terroising our borders for the last few years." Thranduil chuckles softly "I understand, we have faced similar problems."

"I'm sorry about your father." his eyes darken slightly so I reach for his hand gripping it tightly "Thank you. I heard your parents sailed for the undying lands?" 

"They left three years ago," I smile softly "I suppose I should be calling you your majesty." He laughs shaking his head "Thranduil is fine. Can I get you anything?" I chuckle "The king of the realm is at my bedside asking if I need anything when he has already saved my life. Goodness I must be important." 

He stands smiling softly "I will leave you too rest. If you do need anything don't heisitate to ask."

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