Chapter 35

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I smile brightly at the baby in my arms already growing bigger cooing and babbling happily. "We're going to visit the guards today." he coos playing with a piece of my hair before grabbing for the necklace I am wearing "Y/N." I grin walking into the bright sunshine Aerin, Idril and Orym run over cooing at the bundle of blankets making me laugh. Fearless elvish warriors bought down by a child. Orym smiles "He will be an excellent soldier." I laugh nodding slightly "Thranduil was worried I was planning training sessions too early on." Aerin chuckles "When can we expect to see you back on the training grounds?"

I sigh "Two more weeks Eilsha wants to be certain I am fully healed before I start anything too taxing." Idril grins taking Legolas into his own arms "I can't wait for him to be all grown up so we can tease him about when he was so tiny." I laugh shaking my head "Not for a little while, though I am sure it will pass in a blink of an eye. Thranduil will never admit too it but he loves having a baby to dote on."

"Do you think you will have another?" I shrug taking Legolas back "Perhaps. One is enough to handle currently. But I think I will miss him being so small, he'll be all grown before I know it." they all nod going back to training while. Arms snake around my waist a head resting on top of my own Legolas cooing and making grabby hands "Hello my little prince." I turn handing Thranduil the baby kissing his cheek "I though you had meetings all day." he shrugs leaning down to kiss me gently "I wished to see the two loves of my life. Meetings can wait." chuckling I lean into his side smiling down at our baby in his arms "He's going to grow up so fast isn't he?" 

Thranduil nods his smile saddening slightly "I suppose so. But he will grow into a fine prince." 

"If you don't have to go to meetings would you like to go for a stroll around the gardens?" he sighs handing me back Legolas kissing him gently on the forehead "I wish I could my dear but I can only ignore my duties for so long." I laugh kissing him again "I will see you later then my love." he nods giving me one more kiss before he leaves. I watch him go smiling softly only turning when I hear snickering coming from Aerin, Idril "Can I help you?" they both freeze shaking their heads "Nope." 

Orym rolls his eyes slightly smiling "One day you will find some whom you will look at in the same way. Do not mock people in love." I smile "I will see you later." leaving the courtyard I walk out into the gardens through to the library where I settle into a window seat picking up a childrens story that I read softly to Legolas. 

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