Chapter 8

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I stand tall next to my father in a new dress gifted for the occasion from my parents my sister in an equally beautiful gown that is blood red. She is all feminine curves and beauty with perfect features, pristine skin while I have gained muscle and agility as well as a few scars and calluses feeling more at home with the soldiers than in the palace but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy dressing up for occasions. Both of us have capes lined with fur to keep out the chill a layer of snow making everything sparkle in the morning sun.

King Oropher and his guards ride through the main gates up to the steps leading up to the palace Thranduil is on his right he has grown taller looking more of a soldier than last I saw him looking very at home in shining armour an ornate sword, a ...

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King Oropher and his guards ride through the main gates up to the steps leading up to the palace Thranduil is on his right he has grown taller looking more of a soldier than last I saw him looking very at home in shining armour an ornate sword, a gift from his father, hanging proudly at his side. His hair is longer but still golden he is handsome. I blink shocked at the thought before banishing it. They both dismount and bow my family returning the gesture "Oropher welcome to Alqualonde, it has been too long." he smiles warmly "Thank you Thoron. Galriel lovely to see you both. My haven't your daughters grown into beautiful young women." 

Lae steps forward curtseying low batting her eyelids at Thranduil "A pleasure your majesty. Prince Thranduil lovely to see you again." he bows his head "Princess Laeanna, Princess Y/N a pleasure." I smile curtseying "King Oropher, Prince Thranduil welcome." Oropher dissapears inside with our parents while I remain on the steps with Lae and Thranduil. Lae beams "So prince, how have you been?" Thranduil smiles "I have been spending most of my time training with the guards as well as learning how to properly run the kingdom. I hear you have also been training your highness?" he turns to me a faint smile on his face I return the smile "I have prince." Lae steps closer clearing her throat slightly "It is not very princess like to be off with the guards everyday. I on the other hand have been taking my royal duties very seriously learning how to run what will be my kingdom."

Thranduil smiles softly "Should we move inside I wouldn't like either of you to catch a cold." we walk inside brushing the snow of shoes and handing capes to the servants waiting by the door. Inside is kept warm with fires placed around the palace all the windows sealed to trap the warm air inside. "Your home is lovely." My second Koa walks over bowing low "Forgive the intrusion but I have been asked to give you this princess" I take the scroll smiling "Thank you Koa." he winks before leaving. He is like an older brother the two of us causing havoc for the captain of the guard Ophir. However he has named me heir with Koa my second. 

I scan the scroll tucking it in to my belt Lae glares "Don't you have duties to attend with sister? I was thinking of giving Thranduil a tour of the palace." I smile the three of us turning when my mother appears behind us "Laeanna you have a music lesson to attend my dear. Guests do not change our schedual." her lips twitch fighting a scowl "Of course mother, how could I forget." she curtseys and leaves following our mother down to the music room Thranduil looks around "Well it would seem my tour guide has left. Would you care to take over?" I laugh sweeping out an arm "This way your highness."

We walk side by side through the palace while I point out random points of interest. "So Princess Y/N?" I laugh "Yes Prince?" 
"I feel as we have known each other for years although we have only spoken twice in person." I laugh nodding "I know it is strange. But you are certainly one of my closest companions." he chuckles "So do I get to see your waterfall?" I smile "Of course, we can go tomorrow afternoon. I have to do drills in the morning. Captain Ophir has named me his heir." 

"You must be very proud. The guard earlier?" I laugh "Koa? He is like my older brother. He is my second." Thranduil nods the two guards pushing open the throne room doors as we approach "Are there you are Y/N, Thranduil." I move next to my father both him and Oropher looking grave"Is something the matter?" 

"It is uncertain threats have been rising in the west. So far nothing has come of them but we may have to prepare for war. Nothing may come of this but we are preparing for the worst. Lord Eärendil with his son Elrond will be here shortly to disscuss options. The men of the realm have yet to act but we have decided to take peaceful actions and hope they are not needed." I bow my head slightly "I will help however I can father." he smiles kissing my temple "I know mela. I know."

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