Chapter 11

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Once we reach Alqualonde I carry the chick inside Thranduil by my side "Thank you for sharing your waterfall with me." I adjust my grip slightly smiling "It was no problem Thranduil. I am sorry we could not stay longer." we both look down at the chick still sleeping in my hands "It is not a problem. Are you going to name him?" I laugh pushing open the doors to my room with my hip laughing when Thranduil lingers on the threshhold "You are welcome to come in." he chuckles shutting the door and leaning awkwardly against it.

I place the chick on the edge of the bed while gathering some old tunics I don't wear anymore using a knife to turn them into strips to make a sort of nest. Thranduil brings over the chick putting it down gently "Will he grow much bigger?" I smile searching around my shelves for a particallar book "Yes, he will get much bigger." 

The doors bang open my sister streaming in glaring "Have you seen Prince Thranduil. I have been looking everywhere and mother mentioned he may be with you." I bite back my smile as Thranduil steps into her view "May I be of service your highness?" her whole demenour instantly changes batting eyelashes and bashful smiles "Your highness I did not see you there. I was just wondering if you would like to take a tour?" he smiles bowing his head "Your sister has already showed me around. Your home is quite beautiful." 

She smiles tightly "My sister? No of course yes beautiful. Excuse me." she leaves shutting the door behind her I grin broadly turning back to the baby bird while Thranduil remains looking slighltly perplexed "Did I do something to offened?" I laugh "No I wouldn't worry to much prince. She has got her tiara in a twist over certain elves who she belives are worthy of her attention." he looks confused a moment before realisation dawns on his face "She wishes to court me?" I laugh nodding "Yes, she has a list of four elves whom she belives are marriage material. You are the top of that list." 

He chuckles "Do you have a list?" I snort which is certainly not princess like "Me? No I have never really spared much thought to the whole marriage situation. I suppose if I met the right person, like I said I have never really thought about it." I turn away small hazy dreams of a future with him playing out in my head which I quickly with a slight shake "What about you prince? Surely you must have a whole line of suitors to chose from." he laughs shoulders shaking "I suppose. But I have also not given it a lot of thought though my father does keep bringing it up." 

We both fall silent and I make myself busy tidying away piles of books back onto shelves "You have quite a talent for drawing. I have no such joy although I can play the piano. But that is not a skill I share." I turn smiling "Your secret is safe with me. I have very little skill with music although my mother insists I can sing." he chuckles "I can't say I have ever attempted."  we both laugh the little bird starting to stir in his make shift nest "I should find him some food." Thranduil moves to the door "I will leave you peace." I smile warmly looking at the tiny bundle of feathers  "I name you Kaito." 

Kaito opens one eye slowly glancing around at his new nest before moving closer to the bundles of fabric and falling asleep once more. I better read up on Tuyet falcons.

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