Chapter 18

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There are too many dead to count, with many bodies lost to the marshes impossible to recover. Orcs and men who faught on the other side are piled up and burnt the smell overwhealming and making eyes water. But all that can continue working moving our dead to the walls of the white city laying them out for a proper funeral. I try not to look to close at faces some unrecognisable from there wounds. The wounded lay on cots and make shift beds the healers trying their best to see to everyone but many lay groaning, there will be more dead tomorrow. 

I came with 358 soldiers and will be returning with 253. But it is more than Thranduil will be returning with. King Amdir fell in the marshes along with over half of his soldiers, King Amdir was also killed in battle but Thranduil is alive though I have not seen him. I have only caught glimpses of Elrond the two of us exchaning a grim nod. 

The ring was not destroyed. Now worn around the neck of Isildur whom dissapered into his city to grieve his father. I let a healer bind my arm and side and managed three hours of sleep after Koa threatened to knock me out if I didn't rest. 

Returning back to the city for the last time I jump down from Elira stroking her mane gently as Kaito appears landing on her back looking slightly bedraggled, but his eyes are bright. I stroke his head smiling "I have one last task for you my friend then you must rest." he caws softly as I take out a letter "Take this to my sister then stay in Alqualonde. I will return when I am able." tying the letter securly to his leg I kiss the top of his head watching him disappear into the sky before returning to my tent scrubbing my hands of the battlefield. 

Laying down I manage to sleep on and off for a couple of hours before giving up despite the exhaustion waying me down. Finding a tunic and trousers slightly cleaner than what I am currently wearing I change and go to help the healers in any way I can ferrying bandages and bowls of herbs, water and cloths back and forth holding down limbs as they are bound or stitched.

Koa materializes at my side, bandages peeking out from under his shirt, as I am trudging back to my tent arm aching and stiff along with a slight limp. "I told you to rest." I sigh
"I couldn't sleep so I came to help, the healers are overwhelmed they need the help." He scowls glaring
"And how will you be helping when you collapse from exhaustion or tear your wound open again? You need sleep." I shiver slightly
"I can't sleep Koa. Every time I close my eyes its nightmare after nightmare."

His arms wrap around my waist pulling me close "I know N/N, I know. But it'll get better. Its over." I shiver five years of memories almost overwhelming hugging him back gently "I don't know how the mortals deal with it. though they will not live much longer." He huffs out a laugh "We'll just have to learn how." A scout runs over panting "Captain, a group of orcs has been spotted headed for Alqualonde and Lorien." I pull away from Koa squaring my shoulders "I need four volunteers. Mount up and be ready to leave in fifteen minutes."

"Of course, Captain." Koa stands tall wincing with the strain "I volunteer." Smiling I shake my head gripping his shoulder gently "I need you hear please. Once the injured are stable you will take them home then you may join me hunting the orcs that escaped." He frowns "You should not be straining yourself." I grimace "And neither should you, your ribs have not yet healed. I should be ordering you to rest." He shakes his head "I am fine." I chuckle "If you can mount your horse without hurting yourself you may join me."

His eyes flicker slightly his head dipping "Koa, I know you wish to help but you need to heal, please." He nods slightly but still looks annoyed "You need rest as well." I roll my shoulder slightly "I promise as soon as I return to Alqulonde I will rest for weeks but right now I need to protect our people. And I need you to heal and make sure everyone returns home safely"

Elira trots over as I duck into my tent tugging on my armour and weapons tightening the straps around my shoulder to help stabilise it. I will be fine with shooting, but sword work could be painful, however that is a problem for later. Back outside I pull myself up onto Elira finding four of my own ready and waiting "We must ride swiftly." 

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