Chapter 30

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Thranduil sweeps me around the dance floor the two of us lost in each other. Smiling brightly the two of us move closer together swaying to the music. "I can't believe I get to call you my wife." I chuckle kissing him gently "Well husband, you have a long time to get used to it." he grins bringing my hand to his lips kissing the rings now decorating my finger "To the rest of our lives." I smile leaning my head against his "For eternity." 

I dance with several other members of the court as well as Koa and everyone from home before finally returning to Thranduils side "Are you alright my Queen?" I smile leaning back against his chest watching the room infront of us "I've never been better my King." 

His arms snake around my waist a soft kiss pressed to my temple "I can not believe I get to spend the rest of my life ruling a kingdom with you by my side." I smile swaying gently to the music smiling when Koa walks over Garren and Lyan behind him "I'm sorry we can't stay." I smile stepping away from Thranduils warmth to embrace the three of them "Well you are all welcome to visit any time. Safe journey home." I hug Koa again "I'm going to miss you." his grip tightens "I'll miss you too Y/N. I swear I'll come visit when ever I can." 

We pull apart and he kisses my forehead gently "Good luck your majesty." I laugh the three of them bowing large grins on their faces "Thank you." they leave and I turn back to Thranduil burying my face in his chest his arms wrapping around my waist tightly "I'm sorry love." I shake my head slightly "Its okay. I'm going to miss them and my old job but I get to spend the rest of my life with you." he chuckles kissing me gently "I promise to spend everyday reminding you how much I love you. Showing you how much you mean to me." 

I smile brightly brushing a hand through his hair kissing him gently "You're incredible Meleth nîn." he grins hands cupping my face gently "Not as amazing as you my dear. Would you like to dance again?" I nod taking my hands in his "I would love too." 

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