Chapter 16

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Pulling on my armour slowly and methodically I finish attaching my two daggers, sword and quiver with arrows and bow inside before pushing the tent flaps aside joining the others already readying to depart "Good morning Captain." I smile squeezing Koa's shoulder "Good morning Koa, Are you alright?"

He grins "Army of darkness. Slim chance of survival. Possibly won't ever see the sun again. I've never been better."I manage to laugh pulling him in for a hug "Stay safe out there." he nods smiling "You as well Princess."

We join the lines of soldiers readying to lead and I crane my neck trying to glimps Thranduil in the masses but can't see him anywhere. Shaking my head to clear it I stand tall slapping Koas hand away when he puts my tiara on a wonk "Until the end right?" I smile gripping my sword and straightening my crown "Until the end." 

King Elendil rides along the front his son also on horse back close to his side "Today we ride for Middle Earth. We fight for all those who cannot. Until the last man we will fight. We will defeat Sauron."

Horns sound and we begin marching across the plains lines of soldiers men and eleves in unision moving towards Mordor. Bone drums echo around as we draw closer across the misty marshes to the great gates of Mordor barricaded and impenitrable. Lines of orcs and men fighting under Saurons banner. I draw my sword gripping it tightly the others around me doing the same.

For Alqualonde. The two armies surge forward clashing in the middle in a flurry of swords, screaming and blood. I loose Koa within minutes focusing on my blade slipping into an empty mind focusing on nothing but friend or foe. Switching to my daggers it grows harder to spot everyone is coated in black gore and mud. 

I hear the vague call for retreat as we are pushed backwords back into the misty marshes elves and men lying dead around us already sinking into the marshes trying not too look at faces I end up along side two of King Amdir's soldiers as we are driven back many lay slain around us as calls of the gates being opened by the enemy echo around. Breathing deeply and with renowed rigor the elves around me begin pushing forward once more.

"Y/N behind!" I twist and duck as two arrows skim over my head nodding in thanks to Koa who appears at my side a nast scratch down one cheek "You alright?" I nod smiling grimly "Alive." he chuckles turning to kill three orcs that get too close "King Oropher is dead. I haven't heard anything about King Amdir, Thranduil was still alive last time I saw him." We both duck as more arrows fly over head and I sheath my daggers switching to my own bow moving across to a large boulder which I use as high ground targetting orcs from above before jumping back down to the ground rolling to avoide breaking anything.

Koa dissapears once more leaving me to fight with the surrounding elves all strangers none of my own soldiers are anywhere in sight but I pray they survive. A deep rumble causes the ground to shake the fighting pausing momentairly cheers erupting from our side as the news spreads they have got through the gates. Advancing once more I lose myself in the rythm of firing arrows finding many on the ground once my quiver is empty making every shot count. 

Exhaustion weighs in ever limb as more orcs advance but I keep fighting keep swinging my blade praying that an end is near. 

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