Chapter 33

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"How are you feeling my love? Have you eaten enough? Do you need to sit down?" I smile taking Thranduils hand with my own "I'm fine meleth." he sits on his throne pulling me into his lap "I got a letter today from the Captain of Alqualonde, requesting permission to pass through our land." I beam "Koa?" he nods brushing his fingers through my hair "He will be here shortly I imagine." I jump to my feet worry instantly filling Thranduils eyes "Relax meleth, I'm fine."

I lean down kissing him gently as he brushes a hand over my growing bump "Please be careful." I smile kissing him again "I always am." he nods eyeing my small bump "I know." Squeezing his hand gently I walk through Mirkwood to the training grounds Aerin, Idril and several others are sparring the Captain of the guard Orym leading them through training exercises. They stop all bowing "Queen Y/N." I smile standing by Oryms side "Your majesty, are you alright?" I smile nodding "A little boared but alright." he chuckles "You will be back training with us in no time."

Aerin grins "You can still shoot." I nod slightly "Yes, though Thranduil worries over everything." Orym smiles "I have know Thranduil many years. He only wants what is best for you." I smile "I know." 

"Your majesty?" I turn "There is an elf here to speak with you." Koa appears from inside grinning "Queen Y/N." I grin running over and throwing my arms around him "Koa." he chuckles hugging me tightly "I missed you too." I pull away and he presses his hands to my bump grinning "Blimy what they feeding you here?" I wack his hands away as he laughs "Congratulations, your going to make incredible parents." I smile rolling my eyes slightly "Lets take a walk." he nods and I loop my arm through his leading the way to the private gardens "How is Alqualonde?" he shrugs "Quite. Your sister does not do a lot leaving most up to myself and the advisors. But I love being Captain. We miss you though." 

I smile squeezing his arm "I miss you as well though I love my life here." he grins "It is good to see you so happy. So when is the baby due?" 

"Six months." he nods "May I suggest Koa as an excellent name choice." I laugh rolling my eyes slightly "We haven't even discussed names yet but I shall consider it though having the same name as her or his uncle would be a little strange." 

"Uncle?" I smile "Of course." he grins holding his head up high "I will be the best uncle in the realm." I chuckle leaning my head on his shoulder "Yes you will." we spend the rest of the day speaking of the old days and exchaning gossip and training regims though mine has altered considerably since the pregnancy. By the time the sun has set the two of us are having a light dinner in my quarters when Thranduil enters looking worn out. 

Standing I take his hands gently "Are you alright meleth?" he smiles "Quite alright, thank you. Meetings are tiresome." I smile leading him over to the table where he exchanges polite greetings with Koa the rest of the evening passing with ease. 

Koa sighs "I wish I could spend more time, but your sister has technically forbade us from coming here." I smile wrapping my arms around him "It is quite alright. But please keep up the letters I am running out of things I am allowed to do." he chuckles kissing my forehead "Of course. I'll try and visit again before the baby." he pulls away mounting his horse "Good luck with everything Y/N." I wave watching him go, Thranduil comes up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist "I'm sorry love." I turn confused "What is there to be sorry for?" he frowns slightly "It is because of me you cannot see your family." 

I smile glancing back at Koa as he dissapears into the tree line "I may not get to see them as often as I would like but I get to spend every day with you and shortly with our family. I love you and my life here." he smiles kissing me gently "I can not wait to meet our little one."

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