Chapter 25

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We reach the Alqualonde border and are met by a group of guards "Who are you?" I smile jumping down to the ground "Captain L/N." I grin "Amras, Tirian." they both bow and Thranduil appears behind me smiling slightly the two guards both dropping into a bow "King Thranduil. Should we inform the Queen?" I shake my head slightly "No, thank you. I will announce myself." they both bow and leave continuing their perimeter walk. 

I climb back onto Elira Thranduil falling into pace by my side as we arrive at the steps to the palace. Koa appears at the top of the stairs grinning "Y/N." I grin "Good to see you back on your feet." he chuckles giving me a hug "Good to see you too Captain," he turns bowing "King Thranduil thank you for taking care of our captain so well." 

Thranduil inclines his head "It was no problem at all." Koa grins bowing and offering a hand "May I escort you to the throne room?" I laugh taking his arm not able to reply as he grabs my hand holding it up "WHAT!? WHEN!? WHO!?" I laugh jokingly pushing him away "Calm down Koa. Thranduil proposed I said yes. Two days ago." 

Koa whispers loudly "Why didn't you tell me you were in love with him? I thought you didn't like anyone. Your sister is going to be mad." he stands up to his full hight clearling his throat slightly "Your majesty please excuse what I am about to say. However Y/N is for a better word my sister if you harm them you shall dissappear without a trace."

I smile while Thranduil's face turns serious "I promise no harm will come to Y/N." he smiles softly "They mean the world to me." Koa looks him down before smiling and turning back to me "I approve." I roll my eyes slightly before starting up the steps to the palace turning to Thranduil "I apologise I should have warned you about him." he chuckles his fingers brushing against mine "It is alright my dear." 

Koa leads the way through the palace pausing outside the throne room doors "Am I announcing the engagement?" I shake my head slightly "I don't believe that is a good idea." he grins nodding "Good point." the guards push open the doors revealing my sister lounging on her throne speaking to Fern. I step forward bowing "Sister." Lea stands sweeping down from the throne "Y/N, how wonderful you've returned. Did hunting go well?" I nod "Yes. Lae may I introduce King Thranduil of Mirkwood." 

He steps forward smiling graciously "Queen Laeanna a pleasure to meet you again." she flushes curtsying and trying to discretly fix her hair "Welcome to Alqualonde your majesty," she turns to a servant standing behind us "Prepare a room for King Thranduil." Thranduil smiles stepping closer to my side "If you don't mind I would much rather share a room with my bride to be." 

Her lips twitch slightly a hand frozen mid air "Excuse me?" Thranduil smiles taking my hand in his bringing it to his mouth to kiss the ring "Forgive me, I asked for your sisters hand and she accepted." Lea smiles tightly hand dropping to her side "Congratulations are in order then. I must say it comes as a bit of a surprise. Of course we will have a feast prepared in your honour. Fern have the order sent to the kitchens at once. Y/N would you join me for a turn around the gardens I wish to talk to speak with you alone." Thranduil squeezes my hand gently before letting it go allowing me to follow my sister out into the trees.

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