Chapter 5

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Once the sun begins to set clusters of candles are lit all around the room bathing it in a soft glow. I stick to the window staring out at the stars sparkling like diamonds high above us. The moon is full and bright adding a mystical light to the room. Swaying to the music I watch my parents sweeping around the dance floor amoung the other couples looking ethereal in the moonlight. Laeanna is talking to Thranduil tossing her hair over her shoulder and giggling at every word. 

I smile and sweep my gaze back over the room humming along to the music smiling when a young guard walks over looking nervous "Exuse me your highness but would you care to dance?" I smile brightly taking his offered hand "I would love too." 

Thranduil p/o/v:

Laeanna is beginning to wear down my patience as she gushes about every single little thing. I catch Y/N's gaze for a moment feeling oddly drawn towards her she's certainly preferable to her sister. She is certainly beautiful with h/c hair and stunning e/c eyes that look at everything with such wonder and light. Of all the princesses I have had to meet she is certainly the easiest to get on with and someone I would be friends with.

I watch as a guard leads her onto the dance floor feeling something stir in my gut. I've only just met her what on earth is this? Shaking my head slightly to clear it I offer Laeanna a tight smile "Will you excuse me." not waiting for an answer I leave skirting around the edge of the room watching Y/N laugh happily as the guard leads her around the floor. The dance ends and I follow them to the drinks table clearing my throat slightly "Prince Thranduil." I bow offering a hand "Would you care to dance your highness?" she smiles light dancing in her eyes "I would love too."

Her hands have slight callouses but feel small in my own. I have to look down slightly to look into her eyes. "Are you enjoying the party?" she smiles warmly "Yes, thank you. I apologise for my sister she can be rather intense." I chuckle spinning her around "I would never speak ill of a princess." she grins laughter dancing in her eyes "She prefers gatherings like this. As much as I love dancing I would rather be learning new skills." I smile bowing as the music comes to an end "Would you like to go for a walk?" she glances over my shoulder a moment before nodding "I would love to."

I lead her out the room and out onto the balcony that leads to a set of steps up into the tree tops "I realise we know very little about each other." she smiles "What would you like to know?" I frown slightly "How about your favourite colour?" she tilts her head to the side "f/c. And yours?" I smile glancing down at her dress "Probably green. Favourite part of being a royal?" she laughs "Probably the clothes. My turn to ask a question. Do you like animals?" I smile looking out over the forest canopy "Yes, my father takes me out as often as he can too see the stags. I hope to tame one to ride. My turn, where is your favourite place?" 

She falls silent stopping to look up at the stars "Back home there is a waterfall hidden in the woods, there is a pool at the bottom perfect for swimming. It is surrounded by trees so quite and peaceful. No royal duties just me and nature."

"It sounds lovely." she nods dropping her gaze back down "This is my favourite place, I love looking at the stars." she looks around at the round ledge a small seating area in the middle with the tops of trees surrounding it making it feel like you can reach up and touch the sky "Its beautiful. Thank you for sharing it with me."  

"May I ask another question?" she nods turning to face me "Would you care to write once you return home. life is terribly boring here and I would enjoy having a friend to corrispond with." she smiles brighter than the stars "I think I would like that," she offers her hands "Friends?" I take it shaking it gently "Friends." 

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