Chapter 19

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*Time skip three years*

I jerk awake sitting bolt upright in bed a cold sweat dripping down my back as I reach for my dagger knuckles white. Taking a few deep breaths, I fall back into the pillows scrubbing my hands over my face clearing the memories. The sun has just started to filter through the curtains as I rise and push them open standing on the balcony leaning heavily on the rail. Alqualonde has recovered well over the last few years laughter and music returning to the streets, trade between Rivendell, Mirkwood and Lorien returned to normal.

Lord Elrond sends regular letters which I try to reply too, keeping each other informed of the orc movement and the ring. The orcs have lessened considerably only a few large groups remaining, but most have either been killed or slithered back to the darkness from which they came. However, I spend many hours in the forest tracking any orcs that get too close to our borders as well as training soldiers old and new.

Thranduil has not written, and I have not found the time to sit and write to him. Although he wanders into my mind regularly my focus is on my home and my sister who has taken it upon herself to search for a suitable husband with renewed rigor. I have to escort her to many dinners and celebrations although Koa helps share the burden.

The sun spills over the tree tops a soft golden glow bathing the palace. Closing my eyes, I listen to the squirrels scurrying in the trees, animals snuffling along the forest floor, elves rising early to make the bread, the night guard returning home switching with the morning guards, servants beginning the days work with cooking and cleaning.

Back in my room I bathe changing into 

with my sword strapped across my back, rarely going anywhere without it, I head to breakfast managing to swallow down a few mouthfuls of porridge and melon while Lea prattles on about her current list of suitors to her best friend Fern

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with my sword strapped across my back, rarely going anywhere without it, I head to breakfast managing to swallow down a few mouthfuls of porridge and melon while Lea prattles on about her current list of suitors to her best friend Fern. There is a pause in her talking while she takes a drink before she suddenly turns on me "Y/N, have you heard from King Thranduil at all? I hear he is still unmarried. Imagine being Queen of both kingdoms. Not to mention he is incredibly handsome."

I shake my head taking a drink "I have not had word from Mirkwood I am afraid." She pouts "That is a shame. Perhaps I should invite him here." I smile softly "Lea, he has been made king in a very difficult time, he probably wishes to stay with his people a while especially with orcs still threatening our borders." She shrugs delicately "I think I shall write to him anyway."

A messenger comes running into the room bowing hastily "Sorry to intrude your majesty but I have an urgent message for Captain L/N." I take the scroll thanking the messenger while unrolling the paper.


We have had to retreat, there were more than expected. Koa has been injured; we will return in half a day. Please advise?


I stand calling to a servant to saddle Elira "Excuse me sister, this is urgent." She waves a hand dismissively turning to Fern to talk suitors once more. Running out the room I skid into my room to grab a cloak, daggers and my bow putting everything in place while running out into the courtyard jumping onto Elira. Kaito appears overhead following us into the trees.

It takes five hours to track down Koa and Garren both hidden along the river by a cave "How is he?" Garran's hands are coated in blood Koa laying next to him ghostly white and panting, sweat shining on his skin muttering nonsense under his breath "I have bound the wound, but he needs healers." Footsteps approach through the tree's twigs snapping, orcs we have ten minutes maximum. I kneel next to Koa checking his pulse before helping Garren lift him onto Elira's back "Elira is faster than Trief. Go with him." Garren shakes his head "I will not leave you Captain." I shove him towards Elira "Koa will not make it by himself, please. I will be right behind you. Go."

Garren goes to argue but steps back when I glare mounting Elira and supporting Koa "Go." I mount Koa's horse Trief and ride slowly towards the orcs, I can't risk them tracking Elira back to Alqualonde. Entering a clearing I find twelve orcs all armed and sniffing deeply probably following the tang of blood left in the air.

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