Chapter 3

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First day of school, already got in a fucking fight.

This asshat said something about my VERY SLIGHT FUCKING ACCENT when I was talking to a teacher in the halls.

It wasn't entirely my fault though! He threw the first punch, I swear!

All I did was ask the teacher for directions to the bathroom and this kid walked by and whispered, "Fucking immigrant" behind my back. Quiet enough that the teacher couldn't hear but just loud enough that I could.

I looked back at him, he had a dumb-ass sneer on his face. The teacher gave me the directions right after and I went.

Walking outta the bathroom, the same kid pushed me back against the bathroom door.

I hissed at the sudden pain searing through my back, "What the fuck is your problem, dude?" I say, looking at him.

"You are, Immigrant. We have enough weirdos walking around speaking Spanish, we don't need another Accenter roaming America." He spat in my face.

"Okay, well, that's too bad, Asshat. I'm already here so deal with it." I roll my eyes, pushing him off of me.

I start to walk away and head to the office when this guy grabs the back of my vest and pulls.

He quickly moves to grab the front of my tank top and throws the punch, right. into. my. nose. I held my bleeding nose, the warm liquid smearing all over my hands.

When I felt the force behind the punch, I knew exactly what he was asking for.

He smirked and started to walk away, probably cuz he saw a teacher coming our way, but I didn't care.

"Hey! Asshole!" He turned around, I grabbed him by the neck and I decked him right in the jaw, then I hit him straight in the nose.

The teacher immediately pulled me off of him and another took him to the bathroom. A bathroom not near us but near the office.

The teacher guiding me had just taken me straight to the office and sat me down.

I heard the bell ring, 'Just in time for first period to end, huh?'

Sitting in an office chair, I just leaned my head back and rested it against the glass window panes. I could feel my bun press up against the cool glass. I closed my eyes, my nose was still in a slight amount of pain. It stopped bleeding, he didn't hit me as hard as I hit him.

Felt good to get some pent-up anger out, even if it was only two punches. They were good punches. That kid has sharp ass teeth and a surprisingly sharp jawline, I definitely almost broke my fingers on his face.

I could tell they would bruise. Momma won't be happy about it but whatever. Dad'll have another rage when he finds out I got into a fight.

The door opened, and in came the kid with an ice pack and some paper stuffed into his nose, I smirk. I'm real fucking proud of those punches. He deserved them. Racist motherfucker.

"Well, now, Vance, Moose, what exactly happened?" The principal asked.

'Here we go'

They took the kid, Moose, outta the room to interview us separately.

"So, Vance, it's your first day here, correct?" Princey asked.

"Yes sir." I still had respect for my elders, Momma didn't raise a brat.

"Why did you punch him, Vance." It wasn't a question, he demanded an answer.

"He called me an immigrant twice, pushed me against the bathroom door, called me an 'Accenter', whatever that means, and also said shi- some, some rude things about the Hispanics that go here. He said you guys had enough Accenters walking these halls and that you didn't need more 'peopld like us' thinking they can come here from our countries. Sir, he was being racist. Not only toward me but toward other kids who have probably never done anything except exist." I stated.

"Things can be resolved without the usage of violence, Vance. We don't tolera-"

"He punched me first, sir." I interrupted, "Check the cameras, me punching him IS self-defense."

He seemed to think for a minute, "If Moose's story doesn't add up with yours, we'll check the cameras, yes."

The door opened, Moose came in, his nose seemed to have stopped bleeding but he had a big purple bruise along his jawline and the bridge of his nose. He glared at me, I roll my eyes.

The teacher he spoke with started talking to the principal.

"Okay, boys, it seems you have two different stories." I roll my eyes again and gave the principal an 'I told you so' look. "So, we have no choice but to check the CCTV footage. Wait right here, Mr. Hokes will watch over you two as I check the footage." Princey says as he gets up and walks into another room.

I looked over at Moose, he looked so fucking scared, it was laughable, but I didn't wanna get in any more trouble than I already was in.

It didn't take long for them to come back out, "Moose, it seems you not only tried to bully Vance, but that you also tried lying to us. Now, I'm giving you some leeway, tell me the truth and your punishment shall be less severe." The principal said, he seemed cool I guess.

"I-i-i, I swear he said something to me before I even touched him! I swear I don't do anything except hit him in self-defense!" He pathetically yelled out.

"Moose, we checked earlier pieces of footage as well, dating back to last week. It is the first time you have been caught bullying other students so that is saving you from expulsion, but you will be suspended for the rest of the week." Hell, yea, first week of school without this bitch bothering me? Damn, now I'm really proud of my punches.

"We'll be calling your father to come pick you up now. Vance, you may go back to class, Mr. Hokes will take you. Thank you for bringing his bullying tendencies to my attention, and I'm sorry your first day was spent punched in the face." Princey said.

"It's cool." I shrugged.

I follow the teacher as he walks out of the office and takes a right, going down a hall but not too far.

We stop outside a classroom and he knocks before opening it, asking to speak to the teacher.

"Alright, class, I'll be right outside if you need anything." Says the teacher before cracking the door.

"Hello Mr. Hokes, what can I do for you?"

"Yes, hello, um, this is Vance Hopper, the new student that'll be joining your 2nd-period class. We had some... interruptions from getting to class on time, so pardon the tardiness."

The teacher lit up into a smile as he looked at me, "Hello there! I'm Mr. Johnson, your new English teacher. It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Mr. Hopper!" He said, sticking his hand out. I took it and shook it firmly.

"Uh, Same to you, Mr. Johnson, pleasure." I said, nodding once at the end.

"Well, I'll be leaving you to it then! I'm on my planning period right now." Mr. Hokes says, walking away with a wave.

"Alrighty then! Vance, come on in!" Johnny says, opening the door again.

'Well, here we go. New class. New bullies. New rumors. Let's get this over with.'

I walk into the classroom.

1246 words

Welp! Another chapter done! How many of y'all knew Vance had been the one to cause Moose his nosebleed?

So, im working on like, 3 chapters as I publish one.

So, when this one publishes, just know, 4 & 5 r already done and just waiting to be published as well.


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