Chapter 12

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This school day couldn't have gone by any faster. I was SO happy when the bell rang.

I grabbed all my stuff and left the classroom.

I walked out of the school as fast as I could, then walked over to the bike racks.

I saw Finney and Griffin already waiting there.

"Finn! Griff! Hey!" I yelled, waving at them.

They turned and waved back.

"Hiya Rue! Is Billy not with u?" Griffin asks.

"Nah, he should be out soon tho, same for V and Rob." I say, looking at Finney.

He smiles and rolls his eyes, "Whatever, just shut up and wait for our boyfriends to get here." He says, pushing my head to the side as he laughs.

"Boyfriends? Rue and V r dating? Since when? AND Y DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME?!" Griffin asks.

"What? Vance and I aren't dating, I thought he was talking about u and Bill?"

"No? He's clearly talking about u and Vance!"

"Who's talking about Bruce y Vance?" Robin says, coming up behind Finney and wrapping his arms around his waist, "Hola, Cariño Mio." He says, snuggling his face into Finney's neck.

Finney giggles, "Hi, Love. I was talking about them, I called Vance his boyfriend and-"

"Can Bruce not handle la verdad?"

I scoff, "It's not true tho! We're not dating, he doesn't even like me, dude!"

"Who doesn't like Rue?"

"BILLY!" Griffin calls out, jumping into his arms. He immediately wraps his legs around Bill's waist and stuffs his face into his neck.

Billy just lets it happen, it's normal for them, he doesn't even bat an eye. U can see y I thought Finney was talking about them.

Vance had walked up to us with Billy, so he was just standing there.

"No one, anyway, u guys ready for tonight? We're gonna have so much fun!" I say.

"Sure am! I've been waiting ALL WEEK FOR THIS DAY!" Griffin yells, Billy slightly wincing.

"Rue, u know we love going to ur house. Ur mom is so nice and ur siblings r cool." Billy says, smiling.

"Ok- no- my siblings r NOT cool. They're annoying."

"Aye dios mio, VAMANOS HOMBRESITOS! LET'S GO PPL, LET'S GO! I don't wanna be here any longer than I need to be!"

"SHUT UP, ROBIN! NO ONE CARES ABOUT UR BABY WHINING!" Griffin yells out, Billy wincing once again.

"OK, OK, let's just start walking, yea?" I suggest. Everyone nods.

We just walk and talk, Rinney holding hands as usual and Griff transferred to Bill's back instead.

Vance was messing with his necklace. Ig he was still nervous. I bump shoulders with him.

"Hey," I whispered, "don't be so nervous, I promise we don't bite. Well- Griffin might, but only if u put ur fingers in his face for more than 3 seconds."

His lips rise, "3 seconds? What is he, a cannibal?"

I chuckle, "No, just a brat."

He lets out a breathy laugh, shaking his head.

"We're almost there, Pendejos! I can see Rue's house!"

Finney laughs.

"Hey, question." Vance says.

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