Chapter 24

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Bruce takes out the Twister game from the drawers of the entertainment unit.

Griffin takes off his socks, "Que estas haciendo? What're u doing? No one wants to see ur toes, Dios Mio." Robin rolls his eyes.

Griffin rolls his eyes back, "Socks will cause me to slip and fall, duh. I don't wanna lose, idiot." He folds his socks and places them on the couch.

"I WOULD suggest Bruce to do the same but I feel like he doesn't really need it since his balance has always been pretty good." Billy says.

"My balance is normal!" Bruce argues, crossing his arms.

"Por que estas enojado? Why're u mad?"

"I'm not mad!"

"U get upset over the weirdest things, istg." Griffin rolls his eyes.

"I. Am. Not. Upset!"

I look at Vance, he snaps his head back and forth to look at whoever speaks, his eyes wide, it makes me laugh.

"Whatever, I'm not upset. My balance is normal."

"Yes, bc normal ppl can balance 3 dictionaries on their head, 4 glass cups in each hand, and 2 book bags full of rocks on one leg ALL while standing on the other leg. Totally normal." Griffin says, shaking his head at the end.

I see Vance's eyes widen, "U can balance all of that? How did u even find out u could do that?"

Bruce shrugs, "We got bored."

Vance looks confused, "So u decided to balance 3 dictionaries on ur head?"

Bruce nods and Griffin grunts, "Where did u even get 3 dictionaries, Rue?"

Bruce shrugs again, "Storage ig?"

"Ur little group is weirder than I originally thought." Vance said, shaking his head.

"Scared?" Robin asked, smirking. I slap his arm and roll my eyes.

"I told u we were crazy." Bruce says.

"We're not crazy, we're borderline insane." I butt in.

"I got it set up! Who wants to go first?" Bruce announces.

"I vote Robin and Bruce go first. A battle between flexibility and balance." Billy suggests.

"Alright, come on, Robin."

"Ya." He gives me a kiss on the cheek and stands next to the mat.

Billy takes out his coin again, "Heads or tails?"

"I'll go with tails." Rue says.

"Heads." Robin states.

Bill flips the coin, "Heads, Rue spins first."

(For those who don't know how to play; There's 4 colors: blue, green, yellow, and red. There's this mat with like, rows of 6 dots of each color. U spin the spinner and it chooses which ligament u place and on which color u place it on. Ex. Right hand, blue. U would place ur right hand on a blue dot. U lose when ur knees or back touch the ground or when u lose balance and fall. If u spin an option that u already have, ex. U spin another right hand, blue, u choose to switch that hand to another blue dot or to spin again. It's fun and interactive)

Robin groaned and Rue smiled. He kneeled down and spun the spinner.

It stopped after a few seconds, Griffin called it out, "Right hand, yellow."

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