Chapter 19

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"Robin- it's never a contest, it's just for fun, we promise, Vance." Finney says.

Vance nods, a small smile on his face.

I take a coin from my pocket, "Ok! Heads or tails, everyone!" I flip the coin into the air, catch it, and then place it on the back of my hand with my other covering the result.

Griffin, Finn, Vance, and Rue, chose tails. Robin and I chose heads.

I opened my hand. Heads.

"Ok, It's heads." Robin raises his arms in triumph and Griffin pouts, "Robin, heads or tails?" I ask, flipping the coin again.


I look at the coin. Heads.

"Heads, u go first then." Rue immediately groans and falls back against the couch. Finney laughs.

Griffin leans into me again and I wrap my arms around him.

Robin grabs the remote and starts choosing a song.

"How long do u usually sing for?" Vance asked.

"However long we want, ig. Or until we run outta songs we wanna sing."

"I FOUND IT! U guys r going to like this one." Robin says, smirking.

Rue rolls his eyes, "As if, not with that smirk u pulled."

(Change all the 'she's' to 'he's' and we're good)

"Huh, never heard of this one." Finney says as the music starts up.

"Ice on my, ice on my neck
Count up my check
Ice on my, ice on my neck
Count up my check."

Vance immediately sat up straight and shook his head slowly, his eyes blown wide.

"Know it, V?" Griffy asks.

Vance nods.

"Call me big papa I'm sonning
I supply the dick when he want it,"
Finney's eyes widen and Griffin starts laughing his ass off,
"I'm a bad boy Mclovin
I'm a, I'm a, I'm a bad boy Mclovin"

"AHAHAHAHAHAAAAA, HEAR THAT FINN?! HE'LL SUPPLY IT FOR U!!!" Bruce yells out, Finney blushes a deep red. Robin winks.

"Whoaaaa used to be a hot boy
But I'm straight gorgeous now
Whoaaaa if u wanna see me u gon
Have to book appointments now"

"Vance, u said u know this song?" Vance nods, "How?" I ask.

He shakes his head, "U.....don't wanna know."

"Ice on my neck that's incoming
I'm a pretty boy I'm stunning
Super speed sonic I'm running
Super super super speed sonic im running"

"I can't believe this kid." Griffin states.

Robin finishes his song strong and points at Finney, winking and blowing a kiss. Finney hides his red face in a pillow and Robin laughs.

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