Chapter 31

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As I dragged him closer, I looked back. His eyes were wide in wonder. We stopped to let him take in the scenery.

I felt as he squeezed my hand, bringing it closer to his chest. His mouth was slightly agape.

"Vance?" I call out softly.

"U were right." He says, "It is really pretty."

I smile.

My eyes darted across his face. Trying to ingrain this moment in my thoughts forever.

"Well?" I usher him close, "Let's go have some fun." He looks at me, his beautiful eyes still wide.

He gives a nod of his head, his blonde locks bouncing as he does so, and smiles shyly.

We take the steps down to the lake and watch as the others discard their shirts and take turns running and jumping off the dock.

He lets go of my hand, which I find myself disappointed at, and walks along the side of the lake, where the water meets the sand.

(I have a lake I go to that is basically a mini little beach so that's what im referencing here but I added an old dock)

My eyes follow him as he walks into the water, going as far as his knees.

He reaches into the water and pulls out a shell. Examining it, he smiles.

Turning back to face me, he reaches out his hand with the shell. As if to say, 'look! Isn't it pretty!' and all I can do, as my heart melts, is smile brightly.

We hear screams, turning toward their direction, and see how Finney had pushed Griffin off the dock. Managing to grab Robin's arm, Griffin pulls, and, in surprise, Robin holds Billy's waist to anchor himself but they all fall in.

Finney laughs, shaking his head and falling to his knees as he lets out his yells, calling the others stupid.

Vance walks up to me and places the shell in a pocket of my bag. He gives the pocket a small pat.

"Safekeeping!" He says, smiling.

I return it, "Safekeeping." I give a nod of my head.

He smiles then looks over to the dock. Seeing as Finney helps Robin out of the water and back onto the wood, he looks calm.

The others call for us to join and I yell in agreement. Taking off my bag and placing a large towel on the sand, I slip off my shirt and toss it next to the bag.

Vance follows suit and also discards his shirt on the towel. We make our way to the group and I climb onto the dock.

Griffin makes another jump off but Vance is hesitant to get on.

He stands in the sand, looking out to the water.

I call out to him. And he looks up. His eyes stare into mine as I give him a questioning look.

He gives a small shake of his head, his hair once again following the movement, but I softly take his hands and tell him it'll be fine.

He nods, holding and squeezing my hands as he steps on the old wood. He's surprised as it dips under his weight and floats with the water.

(It's a floating dock, if u couldn't tell)

He gives a small yelp of shock and falls into my arms, swiftly, I get him back on his feet and steady him.

The others continue laughing and jumping off, climbing back on, and pushing each other. Vance cautiously walks behind Robin and gives a small single-handed push and smiles as Robin yells out and falls.

I laugh and walk over to them. Vance was smiling brighter than I'd ever seen as Robin and Billy splashed water at us.

I creep up and grab Vance's waist, pulling us down into the water. He lets out another sound of surprise as the water engulfs us.

Everyone splashes, sending water to others and making their own waves.

Laughs fill the air.

The sound of water as well.

We horse around until the sun is fully out, beaming down at us as we sit on the towel.

Everyone engrossed in a conversation as I watch in pure joy.

Their smiles. Their laughs. Their banter. It all brings the purest of joys to my heart.

I lay back and dig my fingers into the sand beside me. Staring at the clouds and the bluest sky, I sigh in content.

Feeling the sun against my skin and the sand between my fingers, hearing the voices of my friends, and the sound of the waves against the sand, I feel at peace.

Closing my eyes, I can feel as I slowly but surely doze off. How could u not? In this atmosphere, it would be nearly impossible.

Who knows how long I had drifted off for, but it was clearly enough time to allow the others to swiftly pick me up, carry me to the dock, and toss me into the water.

The cold water hits me hard and acts as an electric shock passing through my body. It shocks me awake and I flail around to get myself situated enough to breathe.

I can hear the others laughing as I finally break the surface of the water, wadding back to the sand and walking to the towel. I shook my head and smiled as they continued their play in the blue waters.

Seeing Vance on the towel, laying on his stomach and playing with the sand, it caused me to have an urge. The urge to pet his hair.

I smile at myself as he looks up, his eyes squinting from the harsh sun rays. He smiles once he recognizes me and motions me to sit next to him.

I situate myself next to him, our sides grazing each other and sending sparks of warmth where we touch.

"U didn't stop them." I state, looking at him. He smiles then turns to look at me.

"There was no reason to." He laughs, turning back to the sand.

I laugh alongside him and watch as he uses his finger to draw shapes in the sand.

We sit and listen to the group scream, splash, laugh, and just have fun.

After minutes pass, I feel a weight on my shoulder. Seeing blonde locks when I turn, I feel the heat rise in my cheeks.

I can feel as his chest heaves up and down slowly with each breath he takes. Despite having been in the water, his hair felt as soft as ever.

I slowly and hesitantly lean my own head on his, feeling him move slightly as I let my whole head rest.

I look at the others as they walk to us, smiling, Finn and Griffin laughing while pointing at us. I roll my eyes and snuggle my head further into Vance's hair jokingly.

Focusing on those two, I don't see Robin and Billy taking pictures with their phones, smirking as they do so and giving each other a first bump.

1164 words

Done! My headache is nearly gone but I can still feel it lurk around lmao

So, I have an announcement!

My child and I were talking on and on about things and we came up with the idea of writing a book together! She'll tell me the basics of what happens and I'll add the details of how everything goes and make the actual script.

Y'all down? It's still of the ghost boys but in a zombie outbreak, would u read?

Also, I'd like to know any other fandoms u guys wanna read about! If there's any fandom u r interested in me writing about, dm me about it! If I know the fandom, I'll consider writing a book about it



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