Chapter 35

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Well, it's Sunday and I'm waiting another 5 minutes before leaving.

They said we were gonna go to this park.

Once I came home yesterday, I told momma about what happened with Bruce.

She squealed and jumped and clapped and hugged me so many times.

About 10 minutes ago, she left to go buy more paints and some things for dinner but she told me to bring my friends over today for dinner. She wanted to meet them.

I didn't mind, I'd never had friends over. And it's not like there was anything I was ashamed of. I quite liked my house.

As long as they didn't come around while my father was home, we'd be fine. I don't want him to meet them. He's not the friendliest person.

I checked my phone again and decided it was close enough to 0130. I get up from the couch and head to the door, grabbing my wallet and keys and then leaving. I also make sure to lock the door. Idrk if momma wants me to but better safe than sorry.

Walking down the middle of the street was calming.

It felt amazing to just not care about what's around u.

I felt like I had some energy to waste so I tied my hair up.

I took off my shoes and socks, I loved feeling the ground when I ran, it felt the most comfortable. Nostalgic.

I tied the laces of my converse together and stuffed my socks into them. Wrapping the laces around my wrist and hands so I wouldn't drop them or something.

Then, I ran.

I ran and ran and ran.

Ran past houses.

Ran past cars.

Past walkers and other runners.

I ran as the chilly wind hit my face straight on.

I was sure I was red in the face but I didn't care.

I felt amazing as I saw ppl wave and heard them whistle.

I probably looked weird, holding my shoes, hair messed up, red-faced, and barefoot running down the streets.

I couldn't find it in myself to care.

I ran until I heard ppl calling my name.

I stopped and looked back, trying to get my breathing under control.

I saw Robin, Finney, and Bruce yelling my name and waving their arms.

I walked up to them, smiling and giving small waves back.

"Hijole, it's like u became deaf! How do u run so fast?!"

I shrug, smiling, "I just really enjoy running." I say.

"Jesus! Ur barefoot!" Finn yells. We all look down at my feet, I wiggle my toes. Bruce giggles.

"The ground feels nice against my feet when I'm running." I state, looking up at them.

My breath had calmed by now and had gone to its normal pace.

Bruce smiled, "Is it normal for u to run around the neighborhood barefoot?" The others laugh.

I chuckle, "Yea, yea, it is actually. I've always loved running around barefoot. It's even better when u run through the forest barefoot! Or through grass!" I say, happy to share a huge interest of mine. I would even call it a hobby.

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