Chapter 21

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Oh yea, definitely had a crush on the guy.

He's very pretty and kind and patient.

His hair was very soft. I wonder how he got it to be so soft and silky.

I continued walking up the stairs thinking about how he froze when I reached out. It made me smile. 

When I got upstairs, Griffin crashed into me and started to ACTUALLY climb me.

I was so confused and just froze, trying to understand the situation.

Finney was on the ground, face down, unmoving.

Robin was on top of Billy, slowly falling off the couch together. They looked to be wrestling again.

None of which explained y the kid was climbing me.

Speaking of the kid, he managed to situate himself on my shoulders and wrapped his arms around my head.


"VANCE, GET HIM DOWN HERE! HE DESERVES TO DIE AS WELL!! HE KILLED FINNEY!!!" Robin yelled, now holding Billy in a chokehold.

"DO- DONT LET HIM- DOWN- HE- BIT FI- FINNEY ON- INSTINCT AND- FINNEY DI- DIED-" Billy explained with much trouble.

"What the actual hell r u guys doing?" Bruce says from behind me, "Griffin, get off him. Robin, let go of him. Finney, get off the floor, I didn't vacuum. Billy, stop getting caught in chokeholds."

No one moved.

Bruce sighs, "I'm going to regret this." He took a deep breath and prepared to yell, "F-"

"KIIIIIIIIDS! WE BROUGHT HOME PIZZA FOR UUUUUU!!!!" Immediately, all the boys got up and rushed downstairs.

Griffin jumped off my head to get on Billy's back, knocking them down to the ground again but they got right up and ran downstairs.

Bruce shook his head, his fingers on the bridge of his nose.

"Come on, V, let's go eat." He said, smiling and heading down as well.

I looked around the loft for a second, it definitely looked like we had fun here.

I smiled. I'm happy to have friends like them. They're all so quirky and weird and stupid and funny and everything I could ask for in a friend group.

I headed down. My chest felt warm. I liked it.

As I got to the bottom step, I saw them all looking at me, smiling.

"There u r! We can't start eating without u, it's tradition to have everyone here." Finney says, waving me over frantically.

My eyes scan over their faces, all expectant. All smiling. And all happy.

I get goosebumps and a cold chill. The warmth in my chest becomes bigger.

I look down.

I can feel my eyes get glossy.

"Vance? R u ok?" Griffin asks.

I raise my head and smile, nodding, "Yea. Yea. I'm fine, really, I just- I'm glad I can call you my friends, is all."


We watched as Vance showed the most emotion he had since we met him.

He was smiling, the brightest he ever had, but he was crying, the tears slowly falling down his cheeks.

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