Chapter 6

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Seeing Vance on top of the guy, I was scared. Not of him, no, but for him. It's his first day and he's gotten into TWO fights already.

And Robin joining in was possibly the worst thing he could've done bc now all 6 of us r in the office.

It's my first time coming into the office bc of a fight. I was nervous, bouncing my leg up and down. Billy and Griffin seemed nervous too. Billy picking at his fingers and Griffin messing with Billy's jacket zipper.

I looked over to my right, Finney, Robin and Vance seemed pretty calm. I knew Robin had been here plenty of times before and almost always had Finney followed him as an eyewitness.

Vance seemed bored. He was no longer scowling and smirking and being the person he was when fighting. He was back to, what I thought was, normal.

Ig he felt me staring bc he turned to look at me. His bun messier than it was this morning. The gold paint still on his cheek and the blue paint still in his hair. His nose had small purple bruising starting to appear.

"Nervous?" He asked. I looked at his eyes as opposed to his lips, which was my first instinct.

"Yea, really nervous, it's my first time in here for a fight. Usually, I'm in here bc of my A Honor roll or to hear about something regarding the baseball team." The corners of his lips turned up again.

"A Honor roll? Ur that smart? I couldn't even get D Honor roll if I tried. I've always sucked at school stuff." He says.

"Same, dude, that's y Finney here tutors me every Wednesday and Friday after school. He explains things way better than any teacher here." Robin says, looking proud of his smart boyfriend.

"U can get tutored here?" Vance asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Could u not in Paris?" I asked back.

"Ur from Paris?!" Billy asked. We ALL looked at him like he was crazy.

"Billy, u didn't know he was from Paris? We've mentioned it who knows how many times now!" Finney responded.

"Ofc he didn't know, he's too busy thinking about his dog and his papers and his diary and how bald he'll be in 10 years to realize we talk about Vance!" Griffin argued back.

"Griffin!" Billy whined.

"ANY.WAY. Vance, u couldn't get tutors in Paris?" Finney continued.

Vance looked like he was thinking, "I mean, I prolly could but it woulda been real expensive. Guess my parents just never thought I needed it, I mean, I didn't think so either but my grades weren't horribly failing. I only ever got one F a semester or something."

I stared in shock. I couldn't even imagine getting a B, much less an F every semester. My mouth spoke before my brain could process anything.

"I could tutor u! Whenever u like, I could help u catch up and all that." What.

Vance looked at me, I gave him a small smile.

"U wanna?" He asked.

I nodded, "Ofc! I really don't mind, it'd give me something fun to do other than baseball practice!"

I looked past Vance to see Finney whispering something into Robin's ear, Robin looking surprised, turning toward me, and both of them smiling weirdly.

Yeah, no, imma just focus on Vance.

"It can't be at my house, there's no space or privacy or silence. Ever." He said.

"My house is fine, we can study in my room, no one bothers me when I have the door locked!" What. Am. I. Doing.

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