Chapter 27

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I did not just hear that.

"Nah, bro, V is totally gay for Bruce." I whisper to the others, "How can he say that without thinking so easily? I would die if I ever said that to anyone!"

"U asked if it was weird to wanna lick my cheek the first week we started dating, ur just as gay as him but for me." Mi Amor whispered back.

"Gross." Stupid dog lover.

"Fags, I tell ya, always the fags."

"Stfu, Griffin, like ur any better."

"I'll show u who's bette-"

"Shut up! Keep listening! Idiots, istg." Billy whispers.

Bruce laughs, "It might be weird depending on what's causing the urge. Y do u have the urge to lick my nose?"

"The mask looks really good and ur nose is cute, so I have to urge to lick ur nose."

Bruce giggles.

"Tf, he sounds gay as hell."

"Will u stfu, u mini faggot." I whisper.

"I will not, u mega faggot."

"I will literally ki-"


"Mi Amor~"



"Stfu!" I will hit that little boy. Even if it kills my beautiful bf.

"Is it normal to wanna lick ur friends' noses?" Vance had asked.

Bruce giggled again, "Idk, I've never gotten that urge but I have gotten the urge to bite my friends for no reason."

"The bitch has acted on that urge." Finn grumbled, rubbing his shoulder.

We laughed at him.

"So, both u and the kid r cannibals, huh?"

"Tf he say? I am not a cannibal!" Griff whisper-yelled at us.

"Ig so," Bruce started, "We've all bitten each other or licked our hands when they're covering our mouths."

"I see."

"Does he sound-" I start.

"Sad? Yeah." Billy says.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Bruce asks.

"I was just u think I'll ever be as close to u all as u all r to each other? U act like brothers, like family. Robin kisses ur parents in greeting, thanks, and bidding! They call ur mother, Mom and ur father by his nickname."

None of us said anything. We just listened.

"And u all treat Griffin as ur adopted son but still ur friend and little brother. Ur all comfortable around each other and u bring the best out of each other as well."

Finney hugs Griffin, both smiling.

"I've never had friends, much less a friend group but I like it here. It'"

"Awwwwww, Vancey is a big softie for us!" Griffin whispers.

We all shushed him.

"Geez, fine!" He says, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Well, y would u ever leave? U can stay as long as u want! It's bc we ARE family that we act like that. Vance, honestly, I think ur worried over nothing! Ur fine and ur gonna fit in just perfectly!"

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