Chapter 2

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Still Bruce

Walking to class with Billy has always been a highlight of my school days. He never runs outta things to talk about. Rant really, he rants. But idrc, I like listening to my friends talk.

Stepping into class and seeing ur friends smiling and laughing, best feeling ever. I'm eternally grateful to God or whatever's up there for putting all of us in the same 1st period.

Billy and I walked over to the, very loud, group. I sat in my seat and Billy sat on my desk.

"Robin! Kung-Fu-Panda is NOT the movie ppl will rave about 20 years from now!"

"No- Finney, just listen, pendejo. I'm telling u, Kung-Fu-Panda is such an amazing movie NOW, that in 20 years, everyone will still know and worship the name and animation!"

"I gotta agree with Finney here. Sorry, Robin, but Kung-Fu-Panda isn't the greatest movie and, although it may still be well-known in years to come, I don't think it'll be 'worshipped' or anything." Billy says.

Robin gives him a glare, to which Billy lifts his hands in a surrendering pose.

"Imma be honest, I didn't really like Kung-Fu-Panda. I thought it was stupid and childish." Griffin says.

"It is not childish!" Robin responds.

"Ur literally getting red in the face bc we're dissing the movie, r we supposed to believe that u, clearly a child, saying it's not a childish movie, is factual?" Griffin snaps back. He never wastes any time calling any of us out on anything.

Robin opens his mouth to, most likely, curse the shit outta Griffin, but is interrupted by the teacher walking in.

She looks over at our group and gives us a playful stink eye.

"Boys! U know very well not to sit on the school desks. I tell u every morning!"

Robin laughs while jumping off Finney's desk. "Sorry, sorry, Señora Smith. But these pendejos were making fun of Kung-Fu-Panda! I couldn't let that slide, now could I?" He smirks in a playful manner.

Mrs. Smith rolls her eyes, "Yes, yes, u boys and ur nonsensical arguments."

Our class laughs, Mrs. Smith was the most favored teacher here at school. She was younger than the other teachers so she connected with us better. She also knew most of the slang terms commonly used in our generation and all that good stuff.

She was also really pretty and kind. She made sure to never yell at the students and always did small things for us.

Everyone loved her, no one ever got mad at her, called her names, or even skipped her class. Also, she always took to learning the languages all her students speak.

She learned Japanese when I came here, she learned Spanish for Robin, and she learned Swedish for a kid that came last year but didn't return this year. Most everyone else spoke English.

"Well, then, now that we've gotten Our Boys settled down," her nickname for our group, we smile innocently, "let's get on with the lesson."

*time skip*

The bell rang. Everyone packed and left the class, each bidding their own farewells to Mrs. Smith. Her smiling and saying her goodbyes to each of us.

Walking to 2nd period, Robin and Griffin parted from us almost immediately, Griffin heading to class, and Robin heading to the art room to skip. He hates math. Before Robin leaves, he gives Finney a quick kiss on the cheek. Saying a quick phrase in Spanish and walking off. Billy says bye soon after and walks into his class.

"So, Bruce, have u heard of the new kid? I heard he looks mean and rough." Finney starts up a conversation.

I look at him like he's crazy. "What? Oh God, is that how ppl see him?" 'No wonder he said he only had one friend' "No, Finn, he doesn't look mean and rough, he actually looks pretty cool. Sure, he dresses a little rough, but he's on my bus. He sits with me. He definitely isn't mean or scary or anything like that at all."

Finney's eyes go wide, "U sit with the new kid?! What's his name? Where's he from? Y did he come here? What did u guys talk about?"

As he threw out his questions, we had already gotten to his class. "Finney! I promise I'll tell u guys all about him, that I know ofc, at lunch, ok? Just get to class already. Donna's waiting for u." He turns to look inside, Donna smiles and waves at him, he waves back.

"Guess ur right, I'm holding u up to that promise tho." He says as he faces me again and lifts an accusing finger to my face. I laugh.

"Yes, yes, now go dissect ur frog, Buddy." I say before walking away.

I walk past the front office and see Vance's bun. 'Has he been in there all morning?' I don't dwell on it for too long and just keep walking to class.

I see Moose as I pass the bathroom, he runs in with a teacher behind him. He had a bloody nose and red marks on his neck. 'Shit, wonder what happened. Get in a fight with Robin or something?'

I walk into class still thinking of Moose, he probably said something racist to someone again. He's always making horrible horrible jabs at the few Hispanic girls here, and then gets beat up by the boyfriends, cousins, AND brothers for talking about them. Robin is probably the only Latino who isn't related to everyone else. Doesn't stop him from beating Moose's face in whenever he hears of his racist comments tho.

I felt my mind wander back to Vance as I sat down in class. Y was he in the office all morning? Did getting his schedule really take that long? Locker assignment? Maybe Moose's fight got in the way?

Idk, I'll just ask him later on the bus. He told me y he moved, y wouldn't he tell me about the long office visit? I decide to end that train of thought and pay attention.

Except.....I couldn't, my mind kept replaying my conversation with Vance. I also kept wondering y ppl were already saying he was mean and rough. He seemed like a great guy to me!

Ig I spaced out or something bc my teacher tapped his fingers on my desk to get my attention.

"Mr. Yamada? R u alright today?" He asked me, I could feel everyone's eyes on me.

"Huh? O-oh, ah, yea, sorry, guess I'm a little tired today. It won't happen again, I promise." I smile up at him, he gives me a satisfied smile.

"I'm glad ur alright, Mr. Yamada. Try to get a good night's rest today, ok? Ur a growing boy and our star baseball player!" He ends with a bit more enthusiasm.

I nod, "Right, again, I'm sorry."

A knock at the door grabs everyone's attention. Another teacher asks to talk to Mr. Johnson outside for a bit.

"Alright, Class, I'll be right outside if u need anything." He says as he walks out., cracking the door behind him.

Everyone immediately turns to their friends and start whispering.

I just look at my notes, might as well take this time to do a quick review. Gotta keep my A's coming.

1230 words

Second chapter done!

I'm thinking of doing the next chapter in Vance's POV. So we can get a new perspective, y'know?

Whatcha think? Looking good?


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