Chapter 28

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"When r we going to sleep? I'm pretty tired." I yawn out after taking my phone back.

I close my eyes for a second, opening them only to look at the others when they don't answer for a minute.

"Guys?" I wave my hand in front of their faces.

"U were a champion?" Robin asks.

"Uh, Yea. Ig."

"Ig? Ig?! Dude, u have 6 pages on how great u were!" Griffin calls out.

"How did u NOT know how good u r?" NASA asks.

I shrug, "I never really focused on all that. I just fought, won, lost, and left."

"The interviewer said that u had only participated in that interview. Y? And y was it the last time they would see u?" Billy asked.

"Well, I usually just fought and left, they interviewed everyone so I didn't care for them. And this was the last fight before I moved so I figured, might as well make one interview. It was as boring and unnecessary as I thought it would be." I roll my eyes.

"Wow. Ig interviews DO take up unnecessary time when u could be patching urself up, I mean- LOOK AT ALL THOSE BRUISES!" Griffin points out.

"Oh. Yea. I have a lot of scars and bruises from those opponents."

"Do u still have any?" Bruce asked.

I nod, "They're all over my torso and back tho."

"Can we see?!" Griffin yells out.

"Uh- ig? If u guys want, I mean." I look around at their faces.

They nod their heads. I shrug.

I untuck my tank top from my sweatpants and lift it above my head.

I hear them slightly gasp. I place my top on the sink counter and do a slow spin for them to see them all.

I turn toward them, lean against the marble top, and look to my left, staring at the calendar down the hall when I feel someone touch my stomach.

I slowly look down to see Griffin's fingers glide along my stomach and graze my bruises. His eyes look calm but I can see the concern in them.

He retracts his hand and goes back to playing with Crooker's fingers.

I divert my attention to instead look at the shower supplies.

It's quiet so I take this time of calm to close my eyes and let my mind rest.

I felt fingers against my stomach again. This time they belonged to a certain ill-tempered boy.

He poked and grazed and even got closer to look at them better.

"Robin?" I call out softly.

"Some of these look fresh.....Vance." He says, looking up at me.

He had a fierce look on his face. And a small fire in his eyes.

"Vance. Y r they fresh." He gets up and gets close to me.

The look on his face tells me that he's not asking for an answer. He's demanding it. Expecting it.

"I don't remember." I will stand my guard.


"It's not."

"Yes. It is. Piensas que soy tonto?"

"I think you're reading too much into things."

"How did u get those bruises. Vance. Tell me."

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