Chapter 29

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"Vance?" I freeze.

I turn toward the kitchen entrance to find Bruce's dad standing there.

He was all dressed, carrying a one-shoulder bag, and had glasses on.

"Mr. Yamada." I nod in acknowledgment.

He smiles at me, "No need to call me Mister, Haru is just fine. What r u doing up? It's almost 3 in the morning." He says, looking at his watch.

"Uh- I got thirsty. Just came down for some water." I hold up the cup before turning again to get water from the sink.

"No- " I jump and look at him, "Sorry, uh, don't drink from the faucet, get water from the fridge. It's filtered and much better for u." He says, pointing at the refrigerator.

I nod again and walk to get the water I so badly needed by now.

"Y r u up, Haru?" I ask, waiting for the cup to fill.

"Oh, hospital paged me." He held up a small device, "Gotta run in to the emergency room and help out, freak accident just happened and there r many casualties." He said, as I take my cup from the fridge and take a sip.

I nod my head, "I see. So, ur a doctor?" He nods with a smile.

"And proud to be, some patients really make my days, others tend to break them. In both good and bad ways." He smiles again.

I finish my cup of water and place it in the sink, quickly running it under water and placing it on the drying mat.

"Oh gosh! Uh, listen, Vance, do u mind helping me carry something to the car? It'll only take a minute." I turn to him, he's looking at his phone and tapping away fiercely.

"Sure. What do u need me to carry?" I walk towards him.

He smiles, "Thx, Kid, it's out here, on the side of the house." He walks out, grabbing his keys and turning on the porch lights, "Stay here, I'll put this in the car and we can go together." I nod.

We walked down the porch steps and I waited at the bottom step as he unlocked his car, setting his things down and opening the back.

He walked back to me and signaled for me to follow.

I walked behind him as we wandered into the dark, the only light coming from the moon and the street lamp across the street.

We turned the corner and I suddenly realized just what it was I had agreed to.

I become more aware of what was happening around me.

Haru was whistling to some tune.

The crickets singing their nightly melodies.

The occasional shuffling of a cat.

"Here we r, grab that side, Kid." Haru said, crouching down to pick up a machine.

I crouch on the opposite side, feeling guilty about thinking he would do something to me out here.

"What is this?" I ask, as we start walking to the car.

"It's my buddy's pressure washing machine, I borrowed it to wash the sides of the house back on Wednesday." He sets it down in the trunk and closes it.

I crack my back and then my knuckles.

"Thx for the help, Kid. I appreciate it. Now, go back up and head to bed. A couple hours of sleep is better than none!" He places his hand on the top of my head and messes up my hair slightly before getting into and starting the car.

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