Chapter 16

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His touch was intoxicating. It lingered on my face. On my scalp. On my fingers.

His hands radiated such warmth. It was distracting.

I'm glad he didn't seem to mind how I leaned into his touch. Or that I glided my fingers around the back of his hand.

The second Robin started talking, we both retracted our hands. His warmth stayed. A lingering feeling everywhere he had touched.

I heard NASA's voice as the lights turned on.

"Hey, Vance, e-enjoying the movie?" He asked, a small smile on his face.

He tapped his fingers on a pillow.

His pupils slightly dilated.

His crossed legs bounced against the couch cushions.

I probably looked quite similar to his current state.

I nod.

"Yea, so far it's exactly what I expected a horror movie to be like. Scary, jump scares, suspense, near-scares, all that. I'm- well, I'm not the fondest of horror movies. I like reading horror books tho, those r always interesting." I say.

He smiles wider, nodding, "I agree, I love reading. Mostly anything to do with space, as u know, but I do enjoy Sci-Fi. U?"

I nod again, "Sci-Fi but with fantasy elements and a bit of romance. Momma always read that kinda stuff to me when I was younger, ig it kinda stuck."

He nods with a smile, "My mom also got astronomy in my head. She used to always take me and Gwen outside on full moon nights and told us of the constellations."

I nod in approval, "Do u have a favorite star?"

He shakes his head, "No, I couldn't possibly choose out of any of them, do u?"

I nod once again, that new feeling, that I've come to realize is my smile, gracing my face, "Yea, I do, well- not star, but constellation. The Hydra constellation, momma used to tell me stories about the different types of hydra there were. She said the Hydra constellation is there bc that's where the remaining Hydra took his last breath after fighting a battle losing his family and friends."

Finney smiled, "I'd love to hear more about ur mom's stories."

"Alright! Son las 7! It's 7 pm, when this movie finishes, what u guys want to do?" Robin belches out as he walks back into the room. He has his hand on the light switch, waiting for an answer before he turns it off.

No one says anything for a minute.

Fright Fight furrows his brows, "Oye, what's wrong with u all? So quiet and for what?"

I look at Billy and Sassner, they had their heads turned from each other. They looked a little red.

I tilted my head to look up at Bruce. He was already looking at me, he smiled when we caught eyes.

I stared, it's been a while since I'd stared at his smile.


God fucking Robin! Shit! And we were almost holding hands.

Fuuuuuuuuck, he doesn't seem to wanna look at me.

Did I take it the wrong way?

I shakily exhale, "Uh, how about karaoke after? Does that sound good?" I ask, looking around.

Bruce looked at me, nodding with a small smile.

Vance lifted his head off of Bruce's lap, he gave a single nod.

Finney was always down for karaoke, so I didn't bother looking at him.

I risked a quick glance at Griffin, we caught eyes.

His eyes darted back to the movie, "Yup! Karaoke sounds fine. Let's get back to the movie now."

Robin shuts off the lights and goes back to laying down, this time on his stomach with his feet in Finney's lap.

I grabbed the control and pressed play.

I took another glance at Griffin, he turned his head back to the TV.

His hand was still in between us. I scoot farther from him and closer to the corner of the couch, tapping his leg with my foot.

He looks over and I open my arms for him to come to me. He nods and crawls over to sit in between my legs, leaning up against me.

Griffin is much smaller than most 14 y/o's, I find it endearing. He's easier to carry and hold when he's this tiny.

Last time, he took a risk by inching his hand to mine. This time, I'll take the risk.

I sit up a little, sparing a quick glance at the others to make sure they weren't watching, and place my chin on his right shoulder. He tenses for a second before relaxing.

I can hear him gulp. It makes me smile slightly.

He's nervous.

I made him nervous.

My actions made him nervous.

I turn ever so slightly, just enough for my left cheek to press up against his right cheek.

I hear his breath hitch.

I smile again.

I close my eyes and nuzzle my face into the side of his neck, snaking my arms around his waist.

He leans further into me.


His breath is ticklish.

Warm against my neck.

His arms r well-built and hold me strongly but gently.

I can feel his eyelashes flutter each time he blinks.

He HAS to like me, even just a little. Even if he doesn't realize it, he likes me.



My heart is going miles a minute.

It's like it'll run out of my chest.

He smells good.

Like vanilla and mint.

His hair tickles my ear slightly.

It's soft. It's always been soft. Ever since I first met him.

Idk if I can handle him being so close to me. I feel like I'm gonna faint from our proximity.

Does he feel the same? Does he feel fuzzy?

I hope so. I need him to. Even if he doesn't like me, I can't lose him as my best friend.


Those four MUST think I'm blind or some shit.

I can CLEARLY see Billy and Griffin getting close over there. Billy might as well give him a hickey since he's already in there.

Bruce is NOT slick with his newfound hair kink. Manz has his fingers tangling through ALL of Vance's curls.

Robin's just chilling. Slightly bouncing his feet on my lap.

Little cutie.

I wonder how long it will take for everyone to realize all that's going on in this group.

Should I keep my mouth shut and let it happen?

Or should I find ways to move things along?

1070 words


As I usually say, I hope this chapter finds u well and that it brought a smile to ur face. I do hope ur all enjoying the book.


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