Chapter 38

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Angelina was absolutely adorable!

She was so small! Even smaller than my mother, which is saying something bc she's pretty small herself.

She looked just like Vance too! Well- Vance looked like her. Even down to their freckles, they could pass as twins!

They even shared the same smile and laugh.

She was really sweet and kind too. Just overall, a very bright and lovely person to be around.

"Ah, oh, so- Vance tell me that u all have same lunches? Yes?" She asks.

"Yea, we have the same lunch. A lot of times we just mess around instead of eating the food tho." Griff says.

She nods slowly, probably processing the words he just said, "Ah, yes, is food not good?" She asks, tilting her head.

Billy bursts out laughing, "Yea- no- the food is fine, we just like horsing around a lot." He shakes his head, smiling.

"Horse sing?" She turns to Vance, "Votre école a des chevaux?" She says.

(Your school has horses?)

Vance chokes on his food and starts coughing. Angelina panics and pours some water for him while Griffin and Robin r cracking up.

Once he recovers, he says, "Non! Horsing around signifie jouer!" Angelina looks shocked for a second before giggling.


"Oh, my goodness! I thought when Villy said 'horse sing' he saying you school has horses!" She laughs out, wiping at her tears.

We all start laughing with her.

"No- haha, it means to play around." Finn tells her.

She nods, "Yes! Vance say so too!" She says, putting her hand on his shoulder.

I smile as he, seemingly instinctively, places his hand on hers and rubs his thumb across her wrist. The size difference is adorable.

We continue talking, explaining some things to Angelina about our group. Like how Finney and Robin r dating and how Billy and Griffin got together last night!

"Ooooohhhh, so- Finney and Roobin r togeter," she points to them, "Villy et Greefin r togeter too." She points to them as well. We nod.

"Well, Vance, juste toi et Bruce êtes partis alors, hein?" She says, smirking.

(Vance, just you and Bruce left, eh?)

I heard my name and straighten my back just as Vance spits out his drink and starts coughing again.

Angelina starts laughing loudly as she pats his back.

"What just happened???" Robin asked.

Angelina dismissed the question with a wave, "Nooting, nooting, just joking! Honnêtement Vance, tu vas te sortir avant moi!" She says.

(Honestly Vance, you're going to out yourself before I do!)

"MOMMA!" He screeches out, she bursts out laughing again and pinches his cheek.

I smile watching them interact. It felt so loving and genuine. It was so cute seeing how he acted more open in his home. His body language was much looser and more relaxed than usual.

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