Chapter 33

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"Motherrrrrr! We're home!" I call out as we take off our sandals.

"In here, Sweetheart!" Mother says.

I walk to the kitchen as the others keep talking, "Mother, how did u sleep?" I ask.

She smiles, "I slept fine, Sweetheart, did u boys have fun?" She asked.

She was cutting some watermelon and pineapple.

"Yea, we had fun. We stopped by the Grab N' Go and Molly gave us some jewelry her son brought back from his trip. Look! I got this necklace. All the jewelry she had were handmade by kids trying to make money. Mother." She looks at me, smiling, "A CHILD made this necklace! Can u believe that?!" I say, completely in awe.

She laughs, "Yes, I have always loved handmade jewelry, u can always tell how talented the maker is." I nod.

"Is that for us?" I motion to the fruit.

She nods, "Yes, I figured after a long day out in the sun and water and sand, u boys would enjoy some refreshing fruit." She smiles.

"Boy, would we ever! Thx, Mom!" Robin says, coming in and kissing her cheek. He also sneaks a piece of watermelon into his mouth right after. My mother laughs and pinches him.

I always loved how my family got along so well with my friends, we took them in and they're always safe here.

"Oh, Mom, look what picture I took to add to the family photo gallery upstairs." Robin says, pulling out his phone.

"Oh, let me wash my hands! I'm so excited! I love the pictures we take for that gallery." She says, quickly washing her hands and grabbing the phone handed to her.

She squeals and covers her smile, "Awwww, how lovely! This is so cute, send it to me! I'll add it by tonight." Robin nods and taps away at his phone as he walks back to the group out on the back porch.

"I haven't seen the picture, I didn't even know anyone took any." I say, confused.

"Ah, well, no mind to it, you'll see it later when I hang it up anyway. Here, take this bowl and go feed ur friends." She hands me the bowl of fruit and kisses my forehead, "I'm glad ur all having fun with Vance. He seems nice." She states, ruffling my hair and pinching my cheek before heading upstairs.

I shake my head with a smile and walk toward the back door. Picking up the dropped snack bag as I pass by it. It's a glass sliding door so it's easy to open.

I place the bowl on the coffee table we got for the porch and look out into the backyard.

They were all trying to find a way to fit on the swinging chair. Vance was just looking as they climbed all over him and moved around each other to get comfortable.

Griffin kicked Robin off and they all laughed.

"PINCHE CABRÓN" He yelled then kicked the swinging chair back, causing them all to fall off.

The swing came back and hit the back of Vance's head, "ow-" he says.

Everyone starts laughing.

I smile and take my phone out, snapping a picture and sending it to my mother to hang as well.

"Guys!" They look over, "I have some fruits! And I brought ur snacks!" I say, holding up the bags.

"Coming!" They all say. They all get off each other with great struggle and run up to take their snacks.

Vance follows, walking behind them with his hand rubbing his head.

"U ok? Does it hurt?" I ask, he looks at me.

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