Chapter 15

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WOOOOO, AM I GLAD TO END THAT GAME!!! EVERYONE WAS BEING SUCH A BITCH!! Except for Vance. He was cool, if he made a mistake, he would apologize and correct it.

Robin tried to manipulate him into giving him 200 extra, which Finney and Bruce didn't allow to happen. Robin pouting at his futile attempts failing.

Vance seems to be having fun. He doesn't seem too scared of us. He seems amused by our antics.

I won't ever admit it, but im glad Vance is here now. It feels like we were missing him without knowing we were missing him.

He makes Rue smile a lot, I like that. Bruce is known as a very smiley person but his smiles have gotten brighter since Vance. Wider. Louder.

"Griffy? U ok?" I see a hand waving in front of my eyes.

I refocus on the hand. Papercuts all around it.


I look up at his face. CLOSE!!!

OK, Griffin, stay calm. Ur the master at a resting face. Don't let them know ur feelings.

I smile instead of widening my eyes and shrinking back, which was my first instinct.

"Hmm? What's up Billy."

"We're gonna play a movie, got a preference? Or suggestion?" He says, smiling his GOD-SCULPTED-AND-GOD-GIVEN SMILE.

The one that always managed to make me swoon. The one I have loved since the moment I saw it.

FUUUUUUUUUUCK, ofc I had to fall in love with my best friend.

"Yea, actually! I wanna watch a horror movie. More specifically, I wanna watch La Llorona~"


"Calm down, My Love, it's just a suggestion, we don't have to watch that one, right?" Finney asked.

Vance also seemed a little bothered by the suggestion, which made me even more excited.

"Nah, Me, Rue, and Robs wanna watch it, we're watching it." I say.

"Wait a minute, Griff, aren't u not allowed to watch horror movies? How do u know about La Llorona?" Rue and his big-ass mouth, I roll my eyes.

"Y do u think I come here so often? To see ur face?" I respond.

Billy laughs his wonderful laugh and Bruce pouts.

The others r just chilling.

Vance is sitting on the floor, despite there being PLENTY of room on the giant U shaped couch. He was leaning against the couch in the very middle.

Robin is laying down on his back on the left side of the couch, against the wall, his head in Finney's lap.

Finney was in the corner of the couch, building a pillow fort around himself, things to hold onto while the movie plays. He places a pillow on top of Robin's stomach, the latter just smiling and taking it.

Bruce was in the middle part of the couch, sitting with his legs crossed one over the other, like a lady. It's what makes me think he's a bottom. He quietly moves to be right behind Vance's head.

Gee, I wonder y. I roll my eyes again. 

Billy was standing, choosing the movie, going to the switch off the lights, closing the curtains, before sitting down next to me.

Okaayyyy, keep cool Griffin, keep cool. Ur a freshman, he's a sophomore, it wouldn't be weird to date, but y would he want to date a 14 y/o?

He's still 15, it could be fine.

He's gay, it might be possible.

You've known each other for 3 years, he MUST know if he wants to date u by now.

I feel Billy scoot closer to me, ever so slightly.

I decide I'll be courageous.

I take my hand from my lap and put it in the small space between us, just to see what he would do.

He follows the action and also puts his hand in the space. I hear him gulp nervously, but that just fueled my confidence.

I could feel my heartbeat quicken, I hoped my breathe hadn't become any louder.

I slowly inch my pinky to his, seeing, HOPING, that he links them together.

My pinky made its way to his, they brushed against each other.


I can't focus on the movie, im too focused on the fact that Vance slightly jumps at every scare or near-scare.

I watch as he jumps again. His hair slightly bouncing. His curls going up, down, and then back up to rest in their original place.

It looked soft. I wonder if he minded ppl touching his hair. He looked amazing in a bun, I bet he'd look great with a ponytail, or even a braid.

Finney screamed and covered his face with a pillow again, Vance jumped and Robin laughed silently. Finney flicked his forehead.

I kept my eyes on Vance. I'm gonna let my thoughts win. Maybe it's a bad idea. Idc tho.

I watch, everything in slow motion, as my hand lifts off my lap and places itself gently in the ash-blonde mop in front of me.

I feel Vance tense up, slightly shaking, shoulders stiff. I smile.

My hand starts brushing through his curls. I see his shoulders relax, his head falls back slightly. He's still shaking, probably from the movie.

I take my hand out of his hair, before placing it back on top and brushing through again.

I repeat this action.

Eventually, I'm able to focus on the movie, my hand mindlessly continuing the action.

I've always loved horror movies. I love the thrill I feel. The adrenaline coursing through my veins. The suspense, the gore, the lore, I loved it all.

Vance jumps again. My eyes snap toward him. My hand still brushing through his hair.

I consider doing something that could be a very dangerous move. Fuck it. Whatever.

I stop the brushing, moving my hand to instead cup his cheek. He leans into my touch.

I can feel my heart race. I stop breathing, afraid that if I do, he'll move away.

I cautiously exhale. He doesn't move.

I use my thumb to rub his cheek.

He places his hand over mine.


Internally, freaking out.

Outwardly, calm and collected.

He moves his index finger, writing symbols that I can't make out.

I focus. I'm curious. I want to know what he's writing.

"I'm gonna use the bathroom really quick, pause the movie." Robin states, getting up from his laying position and heading down the hall.

Vance quickly retreats his hand from mine and I put mine back in my lap as Robin walks by, turning on the lights on his way out.

Finney starts talking to Vance, quietly.

I look down at my hand. I can still feel the sensation of Vance's finger running across the back of my hand. The warmth he emitted. How gentle he was with his touches.

I look at him. His curls bouncing as he nods to whatever Finney said.

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As per usual, I hope u all enjoyed this chapter and r enjoying this book.




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