Chapter 26

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He wears mascara and foundation...

Mascara. And foundation.

Y do I find that attractive?

I continue slathering his face in the black liquid.

"Ok, I got a thick layer on. Billy, it's ur turn!"

Vance opens his eyes and twitches his nose before letting out a huff. He looks at me and nods before getting up and sitting on the couch.

Billy hands me a green mask and I rip it open, wiping my brush with a paper towel, then I start applying the clear, green goop.

"When can we take this mierda off? It's getting in my mouth, yuck."

Vance lets out a few huffs, I think he does that when he laughs.

"U r SO lucky that Finney wants me to stay still while this mask is on mi cara, otherwise, we would be wrestling again."

I roll my eyes, "It's just for 30 minutes. U can calm down, idiot."



"Sorry, Amor."

"Hopelessly in love, istg." Griffin says.

"Oh, stfu, y tu no, por favor..... whatever, I'm not saying anything."

I finish applying the mask on Bill's face, "Done," I say quietly, "I'm gonna go wash my brush!" I say, getting up.

"Can I apply ur mask?" I freeze. Vance asked that.

I turn to face him, "Uh- well, I mean- uh-" I look at Finney, he was smirking. Griffin, smirking. Billy, rolled his eyes. Robin, annoyed about the fact he still had his mask on. "Sure. Uh- yea!"

I set my basket of things down and Vance comes to sit in front of me.

He yawned with his mouth shut, eyes closed, and his nostrils flared. It was adorable. He was trying really hard not to move his face and mess up his mask.

He stared at the masks before looking at me, "Huh?" I snap outta my trance.

"Which mask do u want? U haven't chosen yet."

"Oh! Yea- uh-" I could hear Finney and Griffin giggling. I'll hit them later, "This one is fine!" I grab a red package and hand it to him.

He looks at it, "Rose Blood Enchantment? Moisturizes and rejuvenates." He looks up at me, "What was mine named? What's the purpose of mine?"

It took me a second to understand what he was saying bc his mask has started to dry and he's slightly mumbling.

"Uh- lemme see," I grab the package, "Ethereal Darkness. It's supposed to clear ur pores of blackheads and soften ur skin." He nods.

"Ok. Now, ur turn." He brings the brush up to my face and starts applying the mask.

"Huh. It's a pink color, not red." I smile. He's cute.

"Good, red isn't really my color anyway." I say. He snorts.

He continues spreading it. I can hear the others laughing and talking, paying no mind to Vance and I.

I study his face. He's very focused.

"I've never done this before, so, if it feels like I'm doing it wrong, I probably am." He says quietly, huffing out a laugh at the end.

I smile and let out a huff of my own, "It's ok, I don't mind. If u ever wanna do this more often, ur welcome anytime." I say, trying not to move too much.

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