Chapter 13

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Bruce warned me about the group being more chaotic at sleepovers than they r at school. I really should've prepared for the worst but who expects to be pounced on by three teenage boys? Certainly not me.

Yet, that's exactly what happened.

One moment we were all talking and the next, I'm on the ground trying to wrestle Sassner, Crookey, and Fright Fight off of me.

I'm miserably failing at that. Crookey is stronger than he looks and Robin fights all the time so ofc he's got a good build.

I look toward NASA and Bruce but they were just shaking their heads, laughing.

I manage to get on my feet and grab Sassner by his shirt and thigh before slinging him across the room onto the couch.

Billy looks over to check on him and that gives me an opening to grab him and put him in a headlock.

As he struggles, I lean all my weight on him and use that to lift and wrap my legs around Robin's torso, catching him off-guard. We all fall to the ground, they groan in pain while I jump up and land on my feet. I smirk knowing I won and walk over to the same love seat I was sat on earlier.

Bruce and NASA look both amused and surprised. Amy looks unbothered and is just playing on her phone.

Griffin just seemed amused. Crookey and Fright Fight were still on the ground, seemingly processing what just happened.

Bruce gets up, "Anyone want snacks before we head upstairs?"

Sassner, NASA, and Billy whip their heads toward Rue, they all nod as if their lives depended on it.

Bruce leaves and the three follow him. Amy goes upstairs, probably going to her room.

Robin comes to sit next to me.

"So, V, how'd u like our welcoming party?" He says, a relaxed smile on his face.

I smirk, "THAT was a welcome? I wonder what ur 'Thank Yous' r like."

He laughs, his head falling back.

"I'm serious! I was fighting for my life down there, Billy's stronger than he looks." Robin just nods at my statement, "Btw, is there something going on between the little kid and him? I noticed how close they r."

Robin thinks for a second, "Well, I THINK they have feelings for each other. I mean, Bil IS gay and Griff IS unlabeled so it's not that far-fetched of a thought, y'know?"

I nod, "R u all gay?"

"I am, Finney is Bisexual. Like I said, Billy's gay and Griffin is unlabeled."

"And Bruce? Or is he straight?" I was quite curious. I mean, I DID like the guy.

"I actually don't know, he's never labeled himself as anything so we wouldn't know. He's also just never been attracted to someone, not to our knowledge anyway." He replies. I nod.

Maybe I have a chance?

Finney comes running into Robin's lap, smiling and out of breath.

"Hola, Mi Querido, what brings u here so worn out, hm?" He smiles gently.

I saw the way Robin looked into Finney's eyes. They were full of adoration. Full of love and sincerity. He looked at Finney as if it were the last time he would be able to. As if he needed to take in every single feature.

I felt a twang of jealousy. I wanted someone to look at me like that. I found myself thinking.

What if I found someone like that?

What kind of person would they be?



Would I date someone who's similar to me or someone who's the opposite of me?

Gentle or rough?

I hoped they would look at me the way Robin looked at Finney.

I hoped it would be Bruce.

I caught myself thinking that.


I wonder......would he like me?

Probably not, he doesn't know me.

Besides, he's never been interested in someone before. He probably won't start now just bc I'm here.


"Hola, Mi Querido, what brings u here so worn out, hm?" I ask, smiling.

The beautiful boy, mi lindo novio, on my lap just smiles, his nose scrunching cutely, and just shakes his head. His hair following the movement and swaying side to side.

"I can't tell u, Love, it's a secret." He says, giggling and putting a finger over his lips. I smile again.

"Que? I thought we agreed no secrets, do u not trust me anymore, mi Amor?" I say in a teasing manner.

He just rolls his eyes, "Any secrets between us, yes. But this is not my secret to tell, so my lips r sealed." He made a zipping motion over his 'sealed lips' and I lean to give them a quick peck. He smiles.

I raised a brow. A secret of someone else? Who?

Billy likes Griffin? No, I mean, ik he does, but if he wanted to be a secret, he wouldn't have told Finney while Griffin was around. Griff has amazing hearing.

Same with Griffin, he wouldn't have said anything about his crush on Billy, Finney can never keep a secret from Billy.

Was it Bruce's secret? It had to be, it made sense. Y wouldn't he tell me tho? We've known each other the longest. Is it bc I already know? Or at least, he thinks I do?

I wonder what it is. I don't remember Rue telling me any new secrets.


"Rob! U good?" I look up to see his face, Bruce's face.

"Huh? Ah, yea, y? What's going on?" I ask.

"Nothing, we're just going up to start playing games, Love."

I look at Mi Amor, he was at the bottom of the staircase, next to Vance. Both were looking at me and Bruce. Finney was smiling softly. Vance was just staring. Bruce walks over to them and leans against the railing.

I stare back at Vance, winking and blowing him a kiss, "Que? Never seen someone as guapo as me, eh?" I say, smirking.

Finney laughs, shaking his head. Vance tilts his head, thinking.

I laugh and start getting up from my seat, "Left speechless, I assum-"

"Bruce is more attractive."

We all freeze.

1026 words

This is a biiiiiiiit shorter than previous chapters bc I felt like ending the chapter there.

ANYWHO! First time in Robin's POV, how'd ya like it? Did I do it justice?


I have some karaoke chapters coming up but idk what songs I should have them sing.

Any songs at all r welcomed, musical numbers, pop songs, songs in foreign languages, etc.

I posted this chapter early bc I'm going to be unavailable at 6, ENJOY!!!!!


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