Chapter 7

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Tuesday - I asked that morning if I could have all my friends over. And as expected my parents had me do a lot of chores throughout the week. Starting today with the living rooms. First downstairs, then upstairs. I vacuumed and dusted and set out blankets and pillows and stuffed animals and movies and board games. No one really uses the upstairs loft anyway so I knew no one would mess with what I had set out.

Wednesday - I cleaned the entire kitchen. Wiped down the counters, reorganized the fridge and pantry, swept and mopped, and wiped down the dining table

Thursday - I cleaned the bathrooms. I swept all the black hair left on the ground by my sisters. I took out the trash, wiped down the mirror and countertop, and organized the bathroom closet. I was almost done with all the chores. Just had to do my room.

Walking into my room, I was relieved to see that I didn't have to do much. Just fold and put away my laundry, hang a few of my baseball caps that I just drop after games, and some books left open on the floor from late-night reads.

I start with finding as many bookmarks as I can. Only having 8 books scattered about, im surprised I can only find 5 bookmarks. I put them in the books I have just started reading for the first time. I just dog-ear the other 3 and put them all on my bookshelf.

I keep my books organized in rainbow order to show my undying love and support for my gay fairy friends and for no other reason. <3333333

Anyhoot, after putting my books away, I start on my laundry. Fold, hang, put away. Fold, hang, put away. Fold, hang, put away. I got so bored, I hate doing laundry.

Once I finally finished that, I picked up all my caps and hung them on my coat rack by my door. Yes, I use a coat rack entirely for my baseball caps. Leave me alone.

I wake up 30 minutes before my alarm. It's Friday. It's sleepover day. It's the day Vance comes over for the first time. It's the day Vance becomes an official part of the group.

Throughout the week at school, Vance sat with us during lunch. I helped him in history and even helped him with English during lunch on Wednesday. He told me his F's had always been in English bc he found it really hard to read. I think he has dyslexia but idk for sure, I'm just choosing to be patient with him in English.

Anyway, I finish getting ready. A white button down with a simple coffee brown sweatshirt on top. I wore some straight-length light blue jeans and my white vans. I put on a thin silver chain and a pair of diamond studs I got over the summer. I liked the look of my pierced ears, I felt like it made me more attractive in a sense. I wonder if Vance has noticed them. I don't usually wear my studs but today I felt like I should.

I walked to the loft and checked on all the things I set out on Tuesday, just to make sure. They were all there so I just walked downstairs.

My mother was tapping away at her laptop, I shook my head with a small smile, she probably woke up early to work on her case. It's probably a big one, otherwise, she'd just wait to work on it until all her kids r at school.

I go to the kitchen, might as well make some small breakfast for her before I leave, so I put some toast in the toaster and take out the butter and jelly. As I wait for the toast to pop out, I turn on the coffee machine and let that fill her favorite mug.

Once the toast is done, I smear butter over one slice and jelly over the second.

Then I place them on a plate and take out some strawberries and blueberries as I put the butter and jelly back. I cut the strawberries in half and place them, along with the blueberries, next to the toast.

I bring the plate and mug over to my mother and place it next to her laptop. She still hasn't realized so I lightly tap her shoulder, which startles her.

She smiles at me, "Oh, Bruce, my love, I must've lost track of time. Have ur siblings already left? I didn't get to say bye." She says, looking around before looking back at me.

"Yeah, pretty sure they all left about 20 minutes or so ago. I heard their buses go by. I was gonna say bye too but I saw that u probably hadn't eaten yet so I made u some toast with berries and coffee."

She looked at the plate, "Oh Bruce, ur so considerate, how could I get so lucky to have u all as my children." She says hugging me while still sitting down, "Oh, btw, r ur friends still spending the night? You've done all the chores, correct?"

I chuckle, "Yes, Mother, they r still coming over and yes, I did do all the chores. I even made sure to clean my room and everything. Now, I have to go, bye Mother." I say, leaning down to kiss her temple.

"Goodbye, Sweetheart. Be safe!" She says before returning to her laptop.

I walk out the door and made sure to lock it up. With my mother working, she wouldn't notice if someone barged in waving a gun around. Better safe than sorry.

I make my way down the street to my stop. I was so excited to have them all over, especially Vance! He seemed to fit in pretty well. Sure, there were still a few things we didn't know about him but I'm sure as we all get closer, he'll tell us.

It's kinda an unspoken rule among us, we all r to know everything about each other. Flaws, habits, home life, interests, hobbies, and even future plans. Clearly, Vance doesn't have to tell us for a while but everyone else already knows everything about each other. Eventually, he'll trust us enough to tell us everything as well. I hope so anyway. We really do love having him in our group.

I really love being around him. He's quite a self-contradiction really. He's so many things at once. He's silent but his snorts r louder than any laugh I've heard, I can't wait for the day I get to hear him laugh. I wonder if he snores as loud as he snorts.

He's serious but his jabs and jokes have us cracking up and falling to the floor, holding our stomachs bc they hurt from laughing so hard.

He's kind but he'd get crass and rude and snarky when he meets someone who even looks at any of us weirdly.

He's so much but so little at the same time.

I feel myself smile as I think of the past week and all of the moments we've had with Vance.

Oh. My. God. I think I have a crush on Vance Hopper. Shit! How could I fall for him!

'Well, I mean, how COULDN'T I fall for him' I snort to myself.

He's great. So much fun to be around.

I hear the bus pull up and I get on. After Moose got suspended, no one on the bus spoke to me or Vance. Which was fine, it meant we could talk amongst ourselves.

I put on my headphones and look out the window, waiting to get to Vance's stop.

1286 words

I finished Chapter 7! I can't wait to write the sleepover chapters! We're finally gonna get into some hardcore Brance and Rinney!

Bruce realized he likes Vance~
Isn't that lovely? Lmao

I would love for u all to interact or comment or something! I enjoy reading and answering ur comments!


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