Chapter 23

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Vance helped me quickly take the machine back into my room.

"Thx for this, it really does help having someone carry the other side." I chuckle.

He nods, "No problem, I don't mind."

I smile, "Just place it here on the carpe-" Vance slips. His back hits the wall and he groans in pain.

"Oh shit!" I said under my breath, slowly placing the machine down. Vance also letting down his end, "R u alri- AH!" I trip on the mic, which had rolled off, and slam into Vance's chest. Which in turn, crashed him into the wall again.

He groans again and grabs my elbows.

I look at the mic and glare while Vance seems to be catching his breath.

"U ok?" He whispers. I nod.

"I should be asking u that, Silly." I say, chuckling. He smiles and looks up with his eyes closed.

We stay still for a while longer, I look around the see what he tripped on but I couldn't find anything.

He probably tripped on his own feet, "U gonna stay there forever, Poupée?"

(Any comments that translate that word will be deleted)

I started getting off of him but froze.

I stand up and look down at him, "What did u call me?"

He looks up from where he was previously looking down at his hands, smirking, "U will find out eventually. Now, come on, let's get outta here and regroup." He says, walking out the door.

I stay frozen.

I look at my hands.

His chest was......firm. Very, very well-built.

His tank top definitely outlined his abs that I hadn't noticed until I was right up against them.

I cover my face with my hands and feel myself get warm.

Finney walks into my room, "Bruce? U good, man?" I nod, "Ok, well, everyone says they're gonna go ahead and start changing into their PJs since it's already past 9. Just thought u should know." I give him a thumbs up and then wave, "Alrighty, cya."

I hear him close my door. I head over to lock it.

I walk over to my closet and open the door. I grab a simple white t-shirt and some red flannel pants. I stole the pants from my brother about 2 months ago. He never asked for them back so whatever.

I go to my dresser and take off my chain and earrings, placing them in their respective spots and then slipping off my socks, replacing them with fuzzy ones.

I look in the mirror. I should take some of my sister's face masks. Yeah, I'll do that.

I walk out of my room and back into the loft.

Griffin was the only one not dressed in his pajamas.

"Yr u not dressed? It's a sleepover Griff, go get changed."

He squints his eyes and sighs, "I didn't bring my PJs this time." My eyes widen and a smile follows.

"YESSSSSSS, GO GET THEM, BRUCE!!!!" Finney yells as im already walking into my room.


"Wait, what's going on?" I ask.

Billy laughs and the kid just rolls his eyes.

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