Chapter 36

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We were having fun.

Robin challenged Vance to a battle of strength. Not by wrestling but by lifting each member of the group up and then doing some other things.

Just for fun, they started with Griffin, knowing they could both easily pick him up. They could both lift each of us easily but for the sake of not skipping anything, we let them be.

Robin wrapped his arms around Griffin and lifted, spinning him around before setting him back down.

Vance followed, lifting him with one arm and sitting him on his shoulder.

Griff giggled before being set down.

Robin rolled his eyes.

Then they lifted Finn, much in the same manner. Robin planted a peck on Finney's cheek before setting him down tho.

Billy wasn't much of a surprise either, we were all pretty light.

Robin wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me, setting my back down effortlessly.

Vance walked up to me, crouched, wrapped his arm around my thighs, and lifted me, also effortlessly.

I felt my face heat up. This was... quite attractive.

He set me down just seconds after and the two went off to do other "tests" but I just stood. Frozen.

I saw the others crowd around me.

Griffin poked my stomach, "Earth to Bruceeeeeeeeeeey."

"He's broken again. Vance broke him again." Finn said.

"Again?" Billy says, teasingly.

I flick him.

"AH- owie." He whispers.

"Vance did NOT break me and I am fine." I firmly state.

They all looked at me with faces of non-belief.

"Sure." Griff says.

I scoff and roll my eyes, "Whatever."

I start using my nail to push back my cuticles when I remember I had to tell them about yesterday, "OMG GUYS!" I whisper yelled.

They looked at me weirdly but expectantly.

"I have to tell u guys what happened between me and Vance yesterday."

They immediately looked more interested and alert.

"So, y'know how Griff spilled some watermelon on his shirt?" They nod, "Yea, so, we went to spot clean his shirt, which was actually my shirt btw, and we were just talking when he told me I had something on my face and told me to close my eyes. So, I did, and he kissed me. KISSED." I again whispered out.

They covered their mouths and shook their heads. I nodded.

"and then, I started rambling like I always do and he kissed me again to shut me up!" This time, they shrieked.

"That's cute, so cute! So, what r u guys now?" Finn asked me.

I look away and play with my fingers.

"Don't tell me u guys haven't spoken about it since?" I nod.

"Noooo, really?" I nod again.

"Damn, that sucks. I thought u and Vance would get together before Griff and I did."

Finney and I froze.

I grabbed Billy's jacket and shook him hard.


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