Chapter 22

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Vance seems to be really happy.

He's not bad. He's a huge softie.

Mom was asking him questions as I kept holding Mi Novio's hand.

I love him so much. So very much.

I love how his cheeks get full with even just a small bite of food.

I love how he licks his lips after each bite.

I love that he scrunches his nose when he burns his tongue.

I love how he blows away the steam on something hot.

When we're alone, he does this thing with steam coming off of food. Get this. He takes chomps of the steam.

Sorry, im getting off-topic.

I was saying that Vance really seemed to be getting comfortable with the group.

I mean, he sang 'Wrecking Ball' in front of us. That takes courage.

I remember Griffy climbing him. Like- ACTUALLY climbing him.

The size difference between him and Griffin was funny.

"So, other than boxing, r there any hobbies u do?" Haru asked.

Vance was thinking for a moment, "Not really, back in Paris I would just practice and practice, getting ready for my matches. I competed in underground boxing competitions. It was fun- OH! I got a few scars from my opponents! I was wondering if I would find any underground rings here."

I was surprised to hear that, "U competed in Undergrounds?" He nodded, "I used to compete. There's one not too far from here, I have a friend who works there. Want me to talk to him?"

As Vance started nodding, Finney squeezed my hand so I turn to look at him, "When did u stop competing? I thought u loved it." He asked, clearly confused.

Bill, Griffin, and Rue started laughing loudly while I just felt myself blush.

Finney looked around confused, "What, what did I say?"

"Finney, Amor, I quit a year ago when we started dating." His eyes widened, "I didn't want u worrying whenever I got injured or disappeared every few nights."

"So," I turn to look at Vance, "Ur a softie?" He says, slightly smirking as he bites into his pizza.

I blush as everyone starts laughing.

"Don't get any ideas, V, I can still take back my offer for the Undergrounds." I say, giving a playful glare and pointing at him.

He smiles softly, "Sure, Fright Fight, sure."

"I'm sorry- Fright Fight? What's that?" Nisa asked.

Griffin slammed his hands on the table, "VANCE HAS WEIRD NICKNAMES FOR US!!!" He pouts.

"Oh? What r they?" Haru asked Vance.

He pointed at Finney, "NASA."

Then at me, "Fright Fight."

Billy, "Crookey."

Griffin, "Sassner." Griffin rolls his eyes.

Then he pointed at Bruce, "Ensoleillement, which means 'Sunshine' in French. Bc, he's always smiling and I'm sure he's brightened days bc of his smile."

Mom and Haru looked at each other while the girls started laughing and 'awwing' at the nicknames.

I knew what they were thinking, how could u not?

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